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Comments on Puzzle #28849: Who is afraid of Gargamel...
By Magdalena (Szeptycy)

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#1: Teresa K (fasstar) on Oct 10, 2016

Magdalena, are you reading the comments to your puzzles? I hope so. There is some good advice for you on your other puzzles. (Thanks Lollipop and Norma.)

It was fairly evident early on (especially from the title) what this image would be, and was rather tedious to solve, because it was so big.

Examples of smaller ones of this subject:
15x15 by Kadou:
40x40 with a terrible title:

If Adam were around, he'd find lots more examples I'm sure. :-)
#2: Donna McFarland (jade8114) on Oct 10, 2016
I agree with Teresa, very tedious. I normally do not attempt the big ones, but your illusions were so good and just challenging enough for me, so I went ahead and did it. I also loved the Smurfs. "Are we there yet, Papa Smurf?"
#3: Ki Bitzar (kibitzar) on Oct 11, 2016
Magdalena, I liked your smurf. I do not know why people discourage the creators to submit big puzzles. I love the big ones. And nobody is forced to do them. It's a matter of taste, and one should not assume that there is just one way of doing things.
#4: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 11, 2016
Ki, it may not be a matter of liking or not liking. Many people are using laptops with smaller screens and the larger puzzles just don't fit. I am limited because my computer monitor that was a nice size died and I had to go to my TV which is of a small oblong shape and I can no longer fit tall puzzles on my screen. (I know, you can slide them up and down to solve, but that gives me a headache.) If you like large puzzles go back to the early puzzles as many of them were quite large and very well done. But now the trend is toward smaller more manageable sizes.
#5: Ki Bitzar (kibitzar) on Oct 12, 2016
I already did the big puzzles. And I am sorry there are not more of them. There are plenty of smaller ones, I do not think one should ask the makers to not make the big ones. After all, we do not have to solve all the puzzles, right? :)
#6: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Oct 12, 2016
Everyone is certainly allowed to have preferences and you are right, no one should dictate what size, etc. the puzzles should be. Nor should anyone dictate what size you prefer to solve. But no matter the size, the puzzle should be fun to solve and give the solver a feeling of satisfaction when they have completed a puzzle. Have you tried other sites? It's been a while since I visited Conceptis but as I recall they had a nice variety of sizes, but since they charge a fee I don't go there. Why pay the fee when this site is free and has really great puzzles and an added bonus of a really fun forum.
#7: Wombat (wombatilim) on Oct 18, 2016 [HINT]
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#8: Leah Drakeford (leah225) on Jan 19, 2017
Great puzzle, nice to see some new big puzzles, good to have a variety of sizes!

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