peek at solution solve puzzle
version: 2 quality: difficulty: solvability: some guessing?
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#1: Jota (jota) on Oct 5, 2016
Sorry too much guessing!#2: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Oct 5, 2016
well, the red and blue solve completely, as well as most all of the black outlining on the right side. from there, it's guessing......#3: Teresa K (fasstar) on Oct 5, 2016
buuuuut...if one were to take a simple educated guess that the outlining continues along the left side as well, you can get pretty far along. close enough to the end to see what it's supposed to be. even then, you will get stuck though.
logically-speaking, "massive guessing" required. using your intuition, a few easy-to-see guesses.
Oh what a shame that it requires so much guessing. In a puzzle this size, it's usually pretty easy to fix so it is publishable as a solvable puzzle. It just takes some fiddling to get it just right. Oh well. Cute picture anyway.#4: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Oct 7, 2016
New version published by jade8114.#5: Jane Butcher (jane-o) on Sep 8, 2019 [HINT]
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