peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: some guessing?
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#1: Jota (jota) on Sep 3, 2016
Cool image, unfortunately not solvable! :(#2: Kerri Kemp (kerri_kemp) on Sep 4, 2016
Like the end result, however took lots of guessing. :(#3: Belita (belita) on Sep 4, 2016
The image is good, but try putting some background in the picture. It can make it more solvable as well as adding interest.#4: Donna McFarland (jade8114) on Sep 4, 2016
Thank you I will try that Belita.#5: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Sep 5, 2016
Nice image but lots of guessing#6: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Sep 10, 2016
hmmmm...guess no one else could solve either. I'd hardly say it requires lots of guessing though. I'm well over 3/4 done with absolutely no guessing. a few instances of iel, which most wouldn't and red can be placed. as can be bottom middle black, and the complete top 8 rows. I've also got top left black done through the row with the red. like I said, most of it solves with adv logic....#7: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Sep 11, 2016
I guess I used some picture logic, because it solved for me.#8: Ki Bitzar (kibitzar) on Sep 12, 2016
You may just need to thicken some lines, or add a square of a different color, to fill in a corner. Use the "Toggle alternate solution" feature in the creation screen, to see which areas have multiple solutions.
I did it without guessing. Tried backtracking, got bored of it since it was way too long. So I went ahead despite some contradictions and then fixed them logically when the whole picture was there.
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