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quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Donna McFarland (jade8114) on Aug 23, 2016
I can see it now all your experiences put into a movie with Lucille Ball playing the part of Mr. Blue. It would be a hit comedy for sure. Since Lucille is no longer with us who would you like to play Mr. Blue?#2: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Aug 23, 2016
You did it again another great puzzle.
I think if something like this were made into a movie, it would be a better fit for a male comedian with someone like Tim Conway who has such wide variety of wonderful facial expressions.#3: Kathy Roth (clyde) on Aug 24, 2016
EEeeewwww.....#4: Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) on Aug 24, 2016
Yet again your awful experience is so hilariously captured in these puzzles!#5: jewel crown (Jewel) on Aug 24, 2016
Another good one. I can almost smell the fumes coming from the dinner !#6: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Aug 24, 2016
Thank you, Kathy, Bill and Jewel. It was a while before I could even think about eating something.#7: Tom King (sgusa) on Aug 24, 2016
Yukkers... Fun puzzle, Norma.#8: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Aug 24, 2016
Thanks, Tom.#9: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Aug 24, 2016
So did you get to eat anything Norma? What the heck. How were they able to get away with this? I hear a lot of complaints about hospital food but honestly the food at the hospital in Fredericton was great. The murderers in prison eat better than that Norma. The more I hear about this place the more pissed off I get. But don't stop telling us Norma cause like Bill said these are pretty comical and fun. :)#10: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Aug 24, 2016
My roommate had a lot of people coming to visit her who all brought food and sodas from fast food places. I didn't have a lot a visitors for various reasons, but did get a few sodas. I learned the day before I left that they had a soda machine.#11: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Aug 26, 2016
When I had my fist heart attack I was in a small hospital in Tempe and they served excellent meals. When I had my first heart cath it was in a hospital in Mesa and after they do the cath you have to lie flat on your back for many hours. So there I am flat on my back and what do they give me for dinner? Spaghetti! Try eating spaghetti lying flat on your back. I called the nurse and complained. He was sympathetic and was able to scrounge me some cottage cheese and fruit.
Good puzzle Norma. I like how he has his nose plugged#12: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Aug 26, 2016
Thank you, Susan.
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