peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line logic only
Puzzle Description Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers
#1: Ellen Vollor (evollor) on Aug 10, 2016 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#2: Teresa K (fasstar) on Aug 10, 2016
Aha! That must be it. Yay!#3: Jill Tallmer (yidl) on Aug 10, 2016
Yay Ellen! Can you list your comment as a spoiler?#4: Donna McFarland (jade8114) on Aug 10, 2016
Wait a minute, I thought you were to drop a letter from what you had drawn? So your movie would be as, sk, or ak. But to get the movie aren't you adding a letter (m)? Example: you draw a club, but your answer would be cub. Did I get turned around here or should your title be (add a letter)?#5: Jill Tallmer (yidl) on Aug 10, 2016
The movie title with a letter dropped from it yields the puzzle answer.#6: Teresa K (fasstar) on Aug 10, 2016
The puzzle answer with a letter added to it yields the movie title.
Take your pick.
JT, you can reclassify any comment from others on your own puzzles as you wish.#7: Jill Tallmer (yidl) on Aug 10, 2016
Teresa, I thought that was the case, but I see the classify option only for my own comments, not for comments by other people.#8: Jill Tallmer (yidl) on Aug 10, 2016
oh wait--I can classify all comments on my iPad, but not on my iMac, for some reason.#9: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Aug 11, 2016
Yay modern technology!#10: Donna McFarland (jade8114) on Aug 11, 2016
JT I was not trying to insult you I was just confused. It happens a lot when you are 63. I really enjoyed the puzzle and had fun solving. I am sorry if you were hurt by my comment.#11: Jill Tallmer (Yidl) on Aug 11, 2016
Not at all, you can indeed look at it both ways, I inherited the "dropped letter" phrase from Norma when I stole her idea. Calling the puzzle "added letter" wouldn't eliminate the ambiguity. I'm almost done with these, for lack of any more truncatable titles. People seem to have figured out the dropped letter idea, by and large.#12: besmirched tea (besmirched tea) on Aug 14, 2016
I saw the beard on the 'asker' and thought it might be (B)abe#13: Jill Tallmer (yidl) on Aug 14, 2016
no, it was just easier to make a bearded mouth. Check the year, which I always list.
I already used your bright idea in puzzle #28410.
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