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#1: marjorie rex (mamo) on Jul 3, 2016
Thank you Donna#2: Tom King (sgusa) on Jul 3, 2016
You as well!#3: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Jul 3, 2016
Happy 4th of July gang. We had great weather for our Canada Day celebrations. Niki and I took the kids and their friend Jessica( the transgender girl}to Woodstock where they had the night time boat parade with lights and an excellent fireworks display. Then we went for ice cream. It was the kind of day that I would have great memories about when I was a kid. I hope it does for my kids too. :)#4: Donna McFarland (jade8114) on Jul 3, 2016
Aldege, that sounds like a great way to a day with your family.#5: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Jul 4, 2016
thank you donna and the same to you and everyone :)#6: Vesta Snover (~Dessa~) on Jul 4, 2016
My family couldn't come here, and I couldn't go to them. I thought I was going to be eating burgers and hot dogs alone, until I found out the same was happening to my girlfriend. I invited her and her husband to come over when they get off work, so we will grill for dinner.#7: Dan Tomlinson (themountainman) on Jul 4, 2016
Enjoy your day, everyone, just try to be safe.
Let's start calling it Independence Day!!!!! 4th of July is a day for the rest of the world#8: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Jul 4, 2016
I just hope most people remember what it's all about. So many people are so poorly informed about our history. There were times when the battles during the revolutionary war would come to complete standstills. Mostly due to the weather: Donna McFarland (jade8114) on Jul 5, 2016
and sometimes just waiting for communications from the powers that be. After all, the British were controlled an ocean away. Can't help wondering how it would have turned out if they had had today's technology,
Obama would ignore it because the British are foreign. Clinton would have taken all the top secret information, down loaded it to her personal computer, communicated with the British, and then said she had not done any of those things. Trump would send home all the British because they aren't American.#10: Susan Nagy (susannagy54) on Jul 29, 2016
This is just my guess.
Lol #9!!!
The Declaration of Independence was actually signed on the 2nd of July, but is celebrated on the 4th because one of our founding fathers realized that "4th of July" sounded so much better. (I think it was Ben Franklin.)
Also our founding fathers said it would be a day for speeches and parades and picnics (which is still pretty much how it is celebrated today).
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