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#8: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Jul 3, 2016
Donna an FBA is a frozen boot award that I give to people that guess correctly on my puzzles. These frozen boopts were used in my day as retribution for doing something bad. You either got kicked in the butt or testicles by usually a parent wearing a frozen boot. I obviously was not a very good child cause I have an never ending supply of these. A fur lined one is more of a designer type grade of FBA which is rare and truly a treasured award. Many of my friends here have earned FBA's and mostly sit them proudly on their mantles or somewhere where their friends and relatives can admire them and boast to others about how they know someone who actually earned an FBA. Now Donna are you glad or sorry that you asked? lol. :)#9: Tom King (sgusa) on Jul 3, 2016
Aldege started this horrible excuse for an award after I started giving away "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!" to people solving my Movie Title and Song series. I believe that absolutely nothing is vastly superior to having a frozen boot kick you in the arse ;)#10: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Jul 3, 2016
Donna,don't pay any attention to Sgusa. His Absolutely Nothing Award is basically meaningless. As a matter of fact it is so meaningless I haven't bothered winning one. How can you compare nothing to something? Can nothing bring back fond memories of being the recipient of a good kick in the arse with a frozen boot. Why every time I wipe I'm reminded of the good times had during my childhood. When hemorrhoids appear,the memories are beyond vivid. Display your FBA prominently and with pride Donna for they are substantial and not worthless like someone else's so called award. Take that Sgusa buddy. :)#11: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Jul 4, 2016
lol :D#12: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Jul 5, 2016
Now, children...#13: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Jul 5, 2016
LOL Kristen. :)
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