peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Minnie Fuerstnau (m.fuerstnau) on May 12, 2008
I think you did just fine. Thank you for the nice puzzle.#2: Kaoru Pearson (markaoru) on May 12, 2008
It was fun to do.#3: Adam Martin (risk32) on May 13, 2008
By the way, Samsung is Korean, so is LG.
I did not intend for the puzzle to be for the cellphone persay, more the fact that the wireless company is in Japan.#4: Mark (mark.jeronimus) on Oct 5, 2010
yeah, Vodafone is in Japan too, but that doesn't make it Japanese. When I saw the title I thought the image depicted something typically Japanese. What a letdown. if it's a cellphone then it should at least be a DoCoMo or other Japanese cellphone, those look totally different from western ones.
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