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Comments on Puzzle #2756: a part of childhood
By Nancy Snyder (naneki)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: some guessing  

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#1: Adam Nielson (monkey) on May 11, 2008

Puzzles this size are not fun. No one can really fit them on your screen. And especially when there is guessing involved, it's not fun. It's a cute picture (I looked at the solution) but there is no way I am going to try and solve this.
#2: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on May 11, 2008
The choice is yours..but why you felt like you needed to leave a negative comment on a puzzle you have no intention on solving is beyond me.
What is it with everyone lately, leaving nasty comments? If it's something that could help a person create a better puzzle, thats understandable but just to blow your steam because your not HAPPY with someones hard work is just uncalled for!

Personally I prefer the larger puzzles as do many other puzzlers (I enjoy the challenge), I usually bypass some of the smaller ones (I don't leave any nasty comment..just move on, you and others like you should do the same ..just bypass the puzzles you don't like :)

We should all start being a little nicer to our fellow puzzlers :)

#3: Arduinna (arduinna) on May 12, 2008
Once again, this is what the rating system is set up for!

Adorable pic, Naneki! And actually rather on the small side for you! The whole thing fits on my tiny laptop. Maybe my resolution is set small...
#4: Beth (Shasta) on May 12, 2008
I liked this puzzle. It fit on my screen easily and was fun to do. I did do some guessing but it wasn't random guessing. Cute Picture, I am sure the photo was adorable.
#5: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on May 12, 2008
Thank you both for you comments...they put a smile on my face :)
I've been getting so close to not coming back to this site. Certain people have gotten so nasty on their comments, (it especially bothers me when there is a newcomer that posts a puzzle) jeez - if I were their parent I would teach them a thing or two about respect for others.
I just don't get it, what do they get out of belittling another person. Sorry..rattling on again!
thank you again :)
#6: JoDeen Mozena (ozymoe) on May 12, 2008 [SPOILER]
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#7: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on May 12, 2008
JoDeen, You know, I was going to mention that but forgot, oops :)
& thank you for your input, I understand frustration of larger puzzles not fitting on the screen & ones that take "guessing".
but believe it or not those are the ones I prefer.
I don't have a problem with him not liking my puzzles. Doesn't bother me one way or the other, I like them & that's all that counts (thats not meant to sound rude or arrogant)

P.S. none of my puzzles have multiple solutions YAY!! but some do require "educated guessing" (as some would say)
#8: harris harris (torough4u) on May 14, 2008
#9: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on May 14, 2008
thank you
#10: Meg Tayler (rebelcat) on May 16, 2008
Adorable! And it fits just fine. Maybe I have a bigger screen?

I had no trouble guessing the few pixels that required guesses. I always know when I get one of your puzzles that the guessing will be logical and that there won't be multiple solutions. I never hesitate to do your puzzles, and I'm always happy with the result. Thanks!
#11: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on May 16, 2008
Ahhh thanks bunches...see Adam big puzzles are loved :)

Adam this is where you get a big smile on your face 'cause I'm playing with you :)
#12: Jan Wolter (jan) on May 18, 2008
A lot of laptops these days seem to have very wide screens (maybe for watching DVD's, maybe because LCD panels often have better horizontal than vertical view angle ranges), so puzzles like this, which are wide but not tall, might be more doable for a lot of users.

Wasn't able to solve it without guessing.
#13: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on May 18, 2008 [SPOILER]
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#14: Merili (merilinnuke) on Aug 24, 2008
I don't get how Adam needed to scroll?? My screen fits the whole thing, from title to rating, no scrolling needed, none what so ever.
I don't understand the need for negative commenting when you haven't even solved the puzzle.
Naneki, it WAS fun to solve ;) And I'm also a huge fan of the bigger ones :) (though this one is rather small to me)
#15: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 24, 2008
Hey "nuke", read the first line of #10, and you will have your answer.
#16: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on Aug 24, 2008
Oh, Adam has a small one, poor thing!
#17: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 24, 2008
I can laugh at your jokes! Why can't you all at mine?
#18: Merili (merilinnuke) on Aug 25, 2008
LOL Adam :D Honestly, I'm laughing right now :D I had a really hard time trying to figure out who's the "nuke" you're talking to :D I never realized it was a part of MY username :D
Just so everyone knows, it's actually "linnuke" - that's "birdie" in Estonian.
Adam, you just put a big smile on my face :) Thank you :)
#19: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 25, 2008
Glad to make you laugh.
#20: Merili (merilinnuke) on Aug 25, 2008
Adam, there's a question that's been bothering me lately. Do you really solve most of the puzzles you comment on? I read somewhere here you're a physicians assistant (sry if the spelling's wrong) so where do you get the time? I'm at home practically all day and whenever I get a free moment from my kids I'm here puzzling. Still I solve about a dozen puzzles a day (give or take a few). Your number is way bigger. So, are you on vacation or something?
#21: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 25, 2008
Yes I do. Most yes. All, no. I don't have any kids or any other distracting factors to vie for my attention. I work 40 hours a week (often at work, it's not very busy, so I actually solve a lot of puzzles while I am at work). I don't need very much sleep. And yes, I have been on vacation, but that is when I solve fewer than normal.
#22: Merili (merilinnuke) on Aug 25, 2008
Oh, I forgot about the option of puzzling at work :) Well done (Y)
Ever thought about having kids? That would give the rest of us here a chance to catch up with you :)
#23: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 25, 2008

Nice try. :-)
#24: Merili (merilinnuke) on Aug 25, 2008
#25: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on Aug 25, 2008
No no no!!! Don't wish that apon some poor helpless children :) Honestly!!!
#26: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 25, 2008
MARZ, go F yourself. :) Honestly!!!
#27: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on Aug 25, 2008
Hmmmm! Go fun myself, I don't need to, you do all the funning for me adam, lol! :)
#28: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 25, 2008
I sure do! So, anyway...
#29: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Aug 25, 2008
ENOUGH !!! now this is invading my puzzles, I am so sick & tired of all this!! everyone needs to go to the chat area to fight & leave the puzzles alone..I guess it's time to find another hobby & leave this site.
#30: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Aug 25, 2008
Sorry I got so angry..it's really not like me to do so.
I have a pretty stressful life & this site has always been an escape for me, I have enjoyed meeting people here & enjoy playful chatting with everyone..but lately the real world looks better than here..it's so depressing, it almost brings me to tears...so I apologize for my mean outburst.
#31: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 25, 2008
It's understandable. Sorry. I just get frustrated with some people in here. And some people get frustrated with me.
#32: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Aug 25, 2008
thank you Adam
#33: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 25, 2008
NP. Cool?
#34: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Aug 25, 2008
yes - cool
#35: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on Aug 25, 2008
Yes sorry Naneki, I didn't want to upset you, you are a sweetheart, I'm over it anyways :)
#36: Arduinna (arduinna) on Aug 25, 2008
Fights make my stomache hurt.
#37: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Aug 25, 2008
thank you marz
#38: Mary Thomas (marleethom) on Feb 8, 2009
Wow, lots of comments. Very nice puzzle. I've seen the picture somewhere. Somehow I managed it without guessing.

Good work, Nancy
#39: Jennie Lacy (Coricopat.1) on Mar 16, 2009
I think that's my daughter... I distinctly remember that particular sleeping position. Cute puzzle! :)
#40: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Mar 19, 2009
lol thanks
#41: Gator (Gator) on Oct 20, 2009 [HINT]
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#42: Martha Valdés (maval) on Oct 19, 2010
I usually don't like puzzles with much guessing required, but I always take it as a challenge and I finish them. In this puzzle, the result was very gratifying when I got the beautiful and cute image. Thank you very much!!!
#43: derby (Derby) on Jul 12, 2019 [HINT] [SPOILER]
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