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quality: difficulty: solvability: moderate lookahead
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#1: Jane Doe (telly) on May 13, 2008
easy to do, but what does the description mean?#2: Alaris Zaaqurin (zephyr) on May 14, 2008
Probably means that the puzzle was in two colors (3 if you count white) just in case you couldn't tell. Maybe for the ppl who are blind or have a black and white monitor (or more accurately green and gray-ish). Although I think in both instances it would be difficult to do pbn puzzles.#3: m2 (mercymercy) on May 14, 2008
Why so much venom everywhere Alaris?#4: Alaris Zaaqurin (zephyr) on May 16, 2008
What do you mean? I'm not being mean. It's not like nobody asked what the description meant. Someone asked what the description meant and I gave my best explanation. I thought it was quite logical and a bit silly. What would be your explanation for what the description means?#5: m2 (mercymercy) on May 18, 2008
Well Alaris I have grown quite fond of the encouraging and kind comments on this site. There are many but Gypso is an example of a person who gives a lot of encouragement and among others Jan is always offering a bit of constructive critisism where needed. I have been reading many of your comments the past months and many appear negative and ridiculing. Perhpaps you are a person who often uses sarcasm and if that is the case I would like you to know that sarcasm rarely works well in a written context.#6: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on May 18, 2008
My reaction to this comment is based on "just in case you couldn't tell". I felt this comment was offensive and unnecessary. I also reacted to "Maybe for ppl who are blind". When looking at it again, it might be possible that you meant color-blind but I cannot be expected to assume what you "really" meant.
I simply wish to encourage you to be a part of the possitive influence that can be found on this site. We all have enough people telling us we are idiots. One of the reasons I have stayed with this site so many years is the kindness that can be found here.
As for the description I choose not to presume what the auther intended and wish that he/she had answered the question. Until then it shall remain a mystery.
well said Mercy..I also have been bothered by all the negative comments lately..I hope it turns around soon. I thought about avoiding all of the comments but there are new comers here that need encouragement after they get slammed.#7: Alaris Zaaqurin (zephyr) on May 24, 2008 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#8: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on May 25, 2008
the problem with posting "negative" comments on any puzzle is that a person might not mean for them to be "bad or hurtful" but to the reader it could sound that way. Just like earlier when she said your comments were venomous - you took it that she was attacking your character..I don't believe thats what she meant (at least I didn't take it that was) but thats exactly the point I'm trying to make... if we leave the negative comments out of the topics no one gets their feelings hurt. There are a few people that doing this & I hurt for all the puzzle makers getting these comments#9: Jane Doe (telly) on Jun 29, 2008
We should all think twice before posting a comment..there are constructive comments, & we should learn to use those instead.
I hope this helps. :)
as thumper would say..."if you don't have something nice to say don't say nothing at all"
Hi, it's "color blind" girl here. I obviously could tell this puzzle was in two colors...I just was wondering why that was the "description", that's all.#10: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Jun 30, 2008
Thanks for standing up for me Naneki and Judy :)
Anyway, no grudges, I'm sure I haven't been uplifting on all my comments either. I'll try doing better.
:)#11: Byrdie (byrdie) on Jul 24, 2009
But I think the puzzle is boring and a WOT. So if encouragenment is to be offered it would be the same one I have offered before:#12: Jane Doe (telly) on Jul 27, 2009
Please don't post a puzzle just for the sake of posting a puzzle, especially one that is based on a theme that has been done to death (I've lost count of the number or hearts and twists there upon that I've solved). Think of an original image or a creative twist worth solving to others and then go with that.
When I see puzzles like this, I get a mental image of someone who opened an editor screen and then went, "Let's see, what shall I draw?" rather than the other way around.
And I didn't find Alaris' comment particularily venomous. She answered a question about a description that was purposeless and, though it might be difficult for some to read, attempted to do so with humor. (I'm pretty sure no one is solving on here with a monochrome monitor - or that there are too many of those even left outside the military.)
So if I stepped on anybody's toes, sorry. We are all entitled to an opinion, including the one you might have that objects to mine.
:) byrdie#13: Alaris Zaaqurin (zephyr) on Dec 17, 2009
Thx Martin#14: Byrdie (byrdie) on Dec 17, 2009
NP#15: Jota (jota) on May 1, 2010
I agree with Martin, well said.#16: Gator (Gator) on Jul 26, 2010 [HINT]
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