peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: much guessing?
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#1: Rebecca Cary (rec3) on May 4, 2008
After getting the red, blue, and green areas done (fairly easily), most of the rest appears to require MASSIVE amounts of guessing. I don't think I'm going to finish it, because i don't enjoy that in a puzzle.#2: Beth (Shasta) on May 5, 2008 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#3: paul dahmer (paul) on May 5, 2008
wonderful puzzle --- requires no guessing at all!!!!!!! people have to learn the difference between guessing and trying each square when stuck and seeing which ones lead to impossible situations - sometimes 20-30 steps forward before you prove a square can or cannot be filled in. then try the next one. - great puzzle - wish the site had only these ones and not all the dumb little ones where real guessing or multiple solutions appear - those are just someone's stupid idea of a picture - not a logic puzzle which is what these are supposed to be.#4: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on May 5, 2008
also - who does the dumb puzzles where every square is filled in by a stupid colour design - those aren't logic puzzles just time wasters.
when is the controller of this site going to edit out all these crappy puzzles and multiple solution ones so that the "solved" scores represent real achievement, not just wastes of time to get a higher score on silly or illogical puzzles.
WOW Paul, relax or you'll give yourself a stress attack!#5: Beth (Shasta) on May 6, 2008
Hmmm for me it is guessing if you have to go 20 steps out to know a move is right. But I guess technically you are right.#6: Rebecca Cary (rec3) on May 6, 2008
I agree that the puzzles that are basically multicolored spirals with every space filled in are just boring. And don't get me started about puzzles with multiple solutions...!#7: Arduinna (arduinna) on May 8, 2008
But to me, stuff where you have to go a double-digit number of steps out to know whether you were right is just trial and error, which is basically guessing. And I don't enjoy that in a puzzle. You can do my share of those, Paul!
I agree with Shasta and Rebecca. Some people call it "logical guessing," which is still guessing! Logical or not. By Paul's definition, anything with a unique solution is logically solvable, and I don't agree.#8: Beth (Shasta) on May 9, 2008
But, the great thing about this site is that you don't have to do the puzzles you don't like. I often go to "Find Puzzles" and tell it I want only puzzles of a certain size with unique solutions and no guessing required. Usually I end up with exactly the kind of puzzles I like to solve!
I love that we can filter puzzles that way depending on how much time I have and what I am in the mood for. I also like looking for old puzzles from my favorite authors. I realized there are treasures out there done before I found this site!#9: Nancy Whitney (ngoroff) on May 12, 2008
This is a great, if challenging, puzzle. Very little guessing is required, even using the definition from above. (I agree that if you go 20-30 moves before you get a conflict, that is essentially guessing.) For me, there were a few tough spots, where I couldn't figure out what to do next without guessing, but mostly it was approachable using two-line reasoning and other similar techniques. Lots of fun!#10: Bionerd (nieboo) on Jul 31, 2008 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#11: naum khulin (nah) on Jun 20, 2010
no guessing and no 20 steps.#12: Martha Valdés (maval) on Oct 14, 2010 [SPOILER]
Just pay attention.GREAT PUZZLE !
Solvable,but takes time.
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#13: Craig Smilovitz (crs17) on Apr 25, 2017
I loved this, even if I'm years late in solving it. I guess I just wandered upon it. I did cheat some in using the Check button rather than doing a few of the long look-aheads.#14: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Oct 16, 2020 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#15: Byrdie (byrdie) on Nov 15, 2020
I like this image. But, as stated multiple times before, trial and error is guessing. I understand what happened on this puzzle - I did the same thing. I wanted to create a puzzle, a complex puzzle, before I had the skill to properly test if it was solvable. The difference is that I went back to my first puzzle and made changes that made it solvable. It still gets marked as "brain busting" and I still struggle to solve it but it wasn't left in an unsolvable state.
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