peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: deep lookahead
Puzzle Description:
(This puzzle was recovered from the 2016 database crash. Description not available.)
#1: derby (Derby) on Jun 10, 2019 classify
Great puzzle. Challenging and good image. I don’t know about deep look ahead.#2: Jota (jota) on Jan 21, 2020 classify
I don't know what this is.#3: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Apr 12, 2023 classify
Found to have a unique solution by wombatilim.#4: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Apr 12, 2023 classify
Found to be solvable with deep lookahead by wombatilim.#5: Wombat (wombatilim) on Apr 12, 2023 [HINT] classify
Initial line & color logic gets to 87% with only green remaining.#6: Kitty Eyes (kittyeyes) on Apr 15, 2023 [SPOILER] classify
R1: EL marks C16-19 and C30-32 white.
C32: EL marks R2-3 white.
C13: If the top 1 is in R11, it creates a contradiction in R12. Therefore R11C13 is white. One square of LL.
C31: EL marks R2 white.
C32: Now that R2C31 is white, we can mark R4-5 white to avoid a contradiction in C31. LL.
C32: If the 4 goes into R7, it must continue into R6. This marks R3-5 C31 green, which creates a contradiction in C30. Therefore, R7C32 is white and the 4 clue can be completed. LL.
C30: Whichever way the 2nd 2 goes, R11C29 is green. LL.
C30: EL puts the top 2 in R4-5. LL.
R3: If C26 is green, it creates a contradiction in R2, so R3 C26-27 are white.
Deep lookahead C16: If the first 2 is placed within R2-9, it will also place the 2 in C17. The only remaining locations for the first 1 in C16 would be in R10 or R12. If it is in R10, R12C16 is green in 2 more steps, so it would need to be in R12. This is also the only place the 1 could be if the 2 is in R9-10, so we can safely mark R12C16 green.
LL to finish.
Great image! I think this is Peridot from the cartoon Steven Universe.
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