peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
Puzzle Description:
(This puzzle was recovered from the 2016 database crash. Description not available.)
#1: Lollipop (lollipop) on Mar 14, 2019 classify
Nice colour logic, and it looks like it is meant to be a picture, but I have no idea what that might be. Without a description or comments it seems to be one of those aimless "I was bored" non-images, but I think too much intention went into making it solvable for it not to mean something.#2: Jota (jota) on Mar 20, 2020 classify
A superhero!!!#3: Lollipop (lollipop) on Mar 22, 2020 classify
You're right, Jota. Now I see it. Thanks for solving the picture for me. Which superhero, I wonder?#4: Jota (jota) on Mar 24, 2020 classify
Me too!#5: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Feb 23, 2023 classify
Found to have a unique solution by wombatilim.#6: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Feb 23, 2023 classify
Found to be solvable by line and color logic alone by wombatilim.#7: Wombat (wombatilim) on Feb 23, 2023 [SPOILER] classify
Kinda looks like Optimus Prime? But that wouldn't explain the title, I don't think.
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