peek at solution solve puzzle
version: 3 quality: difficulty: solvability: moderate lookahead
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#1: Jane Doe (telly) on Apr 24, 2008
it's cute#2: Jan Wolter (jan) on Apr 26, 2008
I wasn't able to get the lower right part of the background by logical solving. The rest I was able to do, though with difficulty.#3: Mark Conger (aruba) on Apr 26, 2008
I believe I got the lower right without guessing.#4: paul dahmer (paul) on Apr 29, 2008
easy - completely solvible with some trying (not guessing) - wish this site had more hard puzzles like this one and not unsolvable ones, or ones where all the cells are filled in (those aren't puzzles, just dumb pictures).#5: maria luz gonzalez cao (lupita) on Apr 29, 2008
Wow thank's paul!#6: Beth (Shasta) on May 2, 2008
I like this puzzle very fun to solve. I am never really sure if I guess or not. If I get stuck I often just try what seems to make sense. I also prefer the bigger more complex puzzles but some times those quickie are nice.#7: Martha Valdés (maval) on Oct 3, 2010
I needed trial and error to solve most of the right side and part of the left side, nevertheless I completely agree with Paul.
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