peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: deep lookahead?
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#1: derby (Derby) on Nov 18, 2019
Surprised to see that this puzzle required a deep look ahead because I found it to be conventionally solveable. I guess that shows you haw things have changed since the early puzzles.#2: Wombat (wombatilim) on Mar 12, 2023 [HINT]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view hints#3: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Jun 19, 2023
Derby - This puzzle is actually from 2015, so it's kind of medium-aged. When the system can't tell if a puzzle is solvable, it takes the consensus of what people have selected and lists that as its solvability. Later, if someone officially sets the solvability, that overrides the consensus. This puzzle is one where the system hasn't determined its solvability and nobody has officially set it, so the system is showing the consensus of what people have selected. (That made sense, right?)
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