peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solutions: multiple solvability: much guessing
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#1: Craig Mellen (cmellen) on Apr 14, 2008
nice puzzle, it took me a while to solve.#2: Jan Wolter (jan) on Apr 17, 2008
This has zillions of possible solutions and can only be solved by lots and lots of guessing. The guessing is pretty easy, since it's pretty obvious what the image is supposed to be, but I don't really think this qualifies as a PBN puzzle. I'm this close to unpublishing it. It's possible that thickening the right part of the outline would make the puzzle logically solvable.#3: Martha Valdés (maval) on Sep 26, 2010
I agree with Jan, for me this is not a PBN puzzle. It is very disappointing to start it and then find out that it was wasting time because there are lots of possible solutions.#4: joy toney (murtdoll) on Mar 9, 2011
I might be wrong, but it looks to me as if the author were pretending to cheat anyone trying to solve it.
No I was not trying to cheat anyone, just bored. This is what happens to someone who is under doctors orders not to be around anyone because your going through 8 months of chemo. Rough patch in my life so I had to do something to keep from going out of my mind from boredom.#5: Byrdie (byrdie) on Oct 14, 2020 [HINT]
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