peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: moderate lookahead?
Puzzle Description:
(This puzzle was recovered from the 2016 database crash. Description not available.)
#1: Eric (kelalatir) on Oct 3, 2020 [HINT] classify
When color logic ran out I had to assume vertical and horizontal symmetry to solve this one.#2: Ailsa Hebert (bazette3) on Nov 15, 2020 classify
Actually it can be solved logically. There was one place I could continue on with the color logic, just had to look for it. Nice Puzzle! Enjoyed the solve!!#3: Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) on Dec 7, 2021 [HINT] classify
4-way symmetry made it a quick solve. It was fun, though, working from the outside in.#4: Judy Baumann (JudyBee) on Mar 2, 2022 classify
a very pretty design#5: Wombat (wombatilim) on Mar 24, 2023 [HINT] classify
Some tricky color logic: In R5-6, C10-11 can be marked white, because the rows would need to put black there and the columns would need red. Same can be applied to the corresponding clue sets on each side. (This is more obvious in R5, but in R6 the 3rd black 1 can't be placed in C7, and the 4th black 1 can't be placed in C14, so it holds true there as well.)
After the LL that step provides, I'm not seeing any more applicable line or color logic, currently at 65%. I'm struggling to find any other lookahead without resorting to symmetry, as well. Everything I've investigated so far has come up indeterminate.
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