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Comments on Puzzle #25789: What Physics Concept? #6
By Brian Bellis (mootpoint)

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#1: Jota (jota) on Aug 23, 2020

#2: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Aug 23, 2020
I did the table cloth trick every year in my classroom, at least a couple of times for all 5 periods for thirty years. One time I happened to be wearing a green and white shirt very similar to the table cloth I was using. The students thought it was hilarious.
#3: Bill Eisenmann (Bullet) on May 21, 2021
I bet you're a terrific teacher Brian. What levels and subjects?
#4: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on May 21, 2021
I taught high school physics for thirty years and retired three years ago. I sometimes miss it but love retirement. The students loved my demonstrations. I especially enjoyed working with students on engineer competitions like egg drop, catapult, spaghetti bridge, paper tower. I used to hold class competitions an the period that had the best overall average got a carrot and broccoli party. The winning class would be learning about physics and simultaneously dipping florets in ranch dressing. It was surreal.
#5: Joanne Firla (JoFirla) on May 21, 2021
My teacher used the brick wall as the example of an object being at rest and had us imagine someone running into it. Creative teachers always made learning memorable. I am positive your students will remember you for a long time.

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