peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line logic only
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#1: Tom King (sgusa) on May 29, 2014
This is a four part series introducing potential puzzle creators and current solvers to techniques in creating and solving them. If you have any questions, please ask.#2: Tom Siebert (tsiebert) on May 29, 2014
Actually, I found that #2 required a fair amount of trial and error guessing, despite having a unique solution. This was easier than #2 by far.#3: Norma Dee (norm0908) on May 29, 2014
But I like what you're doing here.
Ditto #2#4: Tom King (sgusa) on May 30, 2014
Tom, I appreciate your comment, but it is more difficult, no guessing. As stated, it is line logic solvable. Norma, I am a bit surprised.#5: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on May 30, 2014
this is lls...but you need to re-visit/re-solve the last one. take your time with it. I think maybe you assumed a "1" when you shouldn't have and dotted either side of it, allowing for a solve. you gotta admit, you were mighty tired and distracted when you made this series....then again, I'm mighty tired now and may have missed something.#6: BlackCat (BlackCat) on Jun 4, 2018
Tom Siebert is wrong about the trial and error guessing on does solve, but the easiest way I found to do it requires 2-way logic and 2 other moves that are easy enough to see, but technically 3-steps(constituting "deep"). Summing might do it(if I re-familiarize myself with the technique). Not a fan of summing, just as you're not so keen on smile logic.
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