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Comments on Puzzle #24621: Creating puzzles part 3
By Tom King (sgusa)

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  quality:   difficulty:   solvability: line logic only  

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#1: Tom King (sgusa) on May 29, 2014

This is a four part series introducing potential puzzle creators and current solvers to techniques in creating and solving them. If you have any questions, please ask.
#2: Tom Siebert (tsiebert) on May 29, 2014
Actually, I found that #2 required a fair amount of trial and error guessing, despite having a unique solution. This was easier than #2 by far.

But I like what you're doing here.
#3: Norma Dee (norm0908) on May 29, 2014
Ditto #2
#4: Tom King (sgusa) on May 30, 2014
Tom, I appreciate your comment, but it is more difficult, no guessing. As stated, it is line logic solvable. Norma, I am a bit surprised.
#5: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on May 30, 2014
this is lls...but you need to re-visit/re-solve the last one. take your time with it. I think maybe you assumed a "1" when you shouldn't have and dotted either side of it, allowing for a solve. you gotta admit, you were mighty tired and distracted when you made this series....then again, I'm mighty tired now and may have missed something.

Tom Siebert is wrong about the trial and error guessing on #2...it does solve, but the easiest way I found to do it requires 2-way logic and 2 other moves that are easy enough to see, but technically 3-steps(constituting "deep"). Summing might do it(if I re-familiarize myself with the technique). Not a fan of summing, just as you're not so keen on smile logic.
#6: BlackCat (BlackCat) on Jun 4, 2018

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