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quality: difficulty: solvability: line logic only
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#1: jewel crown (jewel) on May 11, 2014
Amazing likeness on a small grid! Thanks Uzuwave!#2: Norma Dee (norm0908) on May 11, 2014
Ditto #1#3: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on May 11, 2014
Awesome image.:)#4: Jota (jota) on May 11, 2014
Thanks! Great entry!#5: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on May 13, 2014
sweet#6: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on May 13, 2014
wonderful uzuwave :)#7: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on May 18, 2014
congrats uzuwave :)#8: Norma Dee (norm0908) on May 18, 2014
Ditto 7#9: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on May 19, 2014
ditto # 8#10: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on May 19, 2014
congrats uzuwave, please go to Q&A#11: Heather M (AuntieH) on May 19, 2014
Ditto #9#12: Sonja T (sugarriver) on May 19, 2014
I really liked this one, too, uzuwave. Nice detail in a smaller portrait. Very recognizable. Congratulations.#13: Tonia Bergh (tonia) on May 26, 2014
Ditto everyone! Fantastic!
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