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Comments on Puzzle #23275: Aldège's let's go have a baby adventure...Lube her up.
By Aldege Cholette (Aldege)

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#1: Bryan (Cyclone) on Dec 1, 2013

Lube? Kinky.

Logically solvable, no edge techniques used.
#2: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Dec 1, 2013
I thought I'd forgotten what labor pains felt like, but this is bringing it all back. :(
Actually, a very good puzzle and fun solve.
#3: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Dec 2, 2013
she's slow for now having a 4th baby
nice puzzle, pal
#4: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Dec 2, 2013
good one aldege :)
#5: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Dec 2, 2013
Fun puzzle - love the gas pump size gel
#6: Jota (jota) on Dec 2, 2013
Poor Nikki!
#7: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Dec 2, 2013
Thx auntie Norma,Susan,and Jota,and uncles Bryan,Tom and Travis.

Niki actually enjoys labour Norma,it's almost as if she doesn't feel the pain,unless she has back labour.:)

Your right Tom,actually this is Niki's 6th baby. Her 2 oldest are with her first husband in Ontario. They are 14&13 yrs old.She had to be induced at 38 weeks with Chastydy because of her diabetes. Instead of just giving her the drug to induce her they wanted her to be dilated at least 4cms. If they just gave her the drug,the baby would of been born on the 20th,like we expected. Once they gave her the drug Chastydy arrived in 10 hrs.:)

#8: Linda Martin (ilovethispuzzle123) on Dec 2, 2013
that is one enormous tube of gel! excellent image, aldege. niki looks a little shell shocked in this picture. oh, the memories...
#9: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Dec 3, 2013
Thx auntie Linda. Are they fond memories? Some women miss being pregnant,and some women detest it. One of the nurses at our doctors office said she was envious of Niki because she loved the whole pregnancy and labour experience.
#10: Linda Martin (ilovethispuzzle123) on Dec 3, 2013
I had a textbook pregnancy - not in a good way, though. I had every possible thing a woman could have: heartburn, sciatica, pre-eclampsia, water retention, mood swings, WEIRD food cravings...but it was all worth it. my son is 29 now, and in the air force and I am proud to be his mom.
#11: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Dec 4, 2013
I can imagine how proud you are Linda,I know I'm exceedingly proud of my oldest son who is 39 now,and my oldest daughter who is 37. their mother and I got divorced when they were 13 and 11,and they both put themselves through college and my son became a chef,and my daughter has her own business.

If you remember from some of my puzzles,this was Niki's most difficult pregnancy. She had cholestasis, puppps, gestational diabetes, extreme round ligament pain, really bad pubic bone pain that she has never experienced in previous pregnancies, sciatica, carpel tunnel, and other little aches and pains she never had in previous pregnancies. She agrees it was all worth it,and now she already misses being pregnant and feeling the baby kick and move inside her. This however will be her last pregnancy and she's ok with that.:)
#12: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Dec 4, 2013
tie a knot?

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