peek at solution solve puzzle
version: 2 quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Sep 3, 2013
New version published by bahabro.#2: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Sep 3, 2013
Very nice Kurt,love the perspective.:)#3: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Sep 3, 2013
thanks Al :)#4: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Sep 3, 2013
Ditto #2. Is the lake on the golf course? I was thinking about retrieving golf ball from the water and it reminded my of some friends who played a golf course which had an elevated par three which literally was next to the Mexican border. They watched the foursome in front of them tee off after which a couple of them made a mad dash for the green. They, of course, were puzzled but discovered why they ran as soon as they walked up on the green. The back of the green was a rather steep incline and if your ball rolled over the green it rolled straight into Mexico. On the other side of the fence, marking the border, was a group of smiling Mexican children selling golf balls for only slightly less than you paid for them. This was quite a while ago so have no idea if the course is there or if it has changed or what.#5: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Sep 3, 2013
fictional gazebo/lake... just wanted to try something different.#6: Ellen Vollor (evollor) on Sep 4, 2013
at a course I worked at 17-ish years ago, the landing area off one of the tees was a blind would steal your ball from the 4th hole and had a stand set up to sell your ball back through the fence at the 7th green. I'd have run em off, but I thought it was damn funny! ;)
Very pretty! Wish I were there right now, lol.#7: Beth Baumgartner (valleygirl2) on Sep 6, 2013
Hey Kurt! What a lovely picture! Thx for creating a fun puzzle!#8: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Sep 7, 2013
thanks Ellen, Beth...yw#9: Linda Martin (ilovethispuzzle123) on Sep 11, 2013
beautiful and fun to solve.#10: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Sep 12, 2013
ty ty, Linda! :)#11: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Sep 17, 2013
You captured it beautifully. I don't have a gazebo but I am looking at a very calm lake right now :)#12: Spot (Pspaughtamus) on Oct 12, 2024
This is trippy. I finished and had read only top title, and couldn't really figure out what exactly I was seeing. Then I read the subtitle and it popped out and made sense.
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