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quality: difficulty: solvability: trivial
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#1: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on Jun 13, 2013
Is the last word the Hungarian name? And why the red dot?#2: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Jun 13, 2013
Is the red dot the brightest star in the constellation?#3: Thomas Genuine (Genuine) on Jun 13, 2013
Sadalmelik is an Arabic name. The red dot signs (by me) the Alfa star of constellation. It's usually the brightest, but there are some exception, in which the Beta is brighter.#4: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Jun 13, 2013
Name languages: Most of them (originally) Arabic or Chinese (mostly on southern sky). English or German or French star names: only a few (mostly newer than the brihtest ones). In Hungarian or Slavic languages: very rare, appr. a dozen. (usually translations from Arabic). I won't use them in these puzzles.
BUT! Constellation names derivated from the Greek-Persian mythology and prenounced in Latin.
It's so simple, isn't it? :)
I'm not used to seeing Alpha spelled with an F.#5: Thomas Genuine (Genuine) on Jun 13, 2013 [SPOILER]
It's interesting to see/hear the differences between the NATO phonetic alphabet and the regular US military version.
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