peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: some guessing?
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#1: Beth (Shasta) on Jan 22, 2008
Awesome-even though it's not my team. I got all the blues and got stuck. I guessed a few options to start the rest but once I got going, I didn't need any more guesses. Thanks for a great one!#2: Florence Mayes (pixely1) on Jul 18, 2017
I was thinking of the song about the one-eyed, one-horned purple people eater! LOL Starting from the bottom up I had no idea what it could be. Your eyes can certainly play tricks on you!#3: derby (Derby) on Jan 19, 2019
I would have enjoyed this puzzle more if there were less blue fill in and if there where more white to make it more difficult.
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