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Comments on Puzzle #22011: pollinator...
By Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro)

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#1: Norma Dee (norm0908) on May 23, 2013

I enjoyed it very much. Nice puzzle.
#2: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on May 23, 2013
thanks Norma :)
#3: Lollipop (lollipop) on May 23, 2013
A fun solve. Thanks.
#4: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on May 23, 2013
yw, Lollipop....not too many cacti in your neck of the woods, ay?
#5: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on May 23, 2013
Very nice!
#6: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on May 23, 2013
thanks K!
#7: Lollipop (lollipop) on May 23, 2013
Lol, Kurt. I keep some on my kitchen counter, though. Succulents and cacti seem to be the only indoor plants I don't destroy. Ottawa is in growing zone 4, which would be US zone 3. Although there are some cold-weather cacti, a summer gardener like me wouldn't attempt them outdoors unless I was at least in US zone 5.

We usually spell it eh, although it is certainly pronounced ay, hunh?
#8: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on May 23, 2013
Yeah, eh. It's usually spelled "eh."
#9: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on May 23, 2013
Beautiful image Kurt.Cacti are somewhat more forgiving of neglect,eh. I bet Norma could kill them with love though,lol.:)
#10: Claudia (clau_bolson) on May 23, 2013
yes, and fun solve too! Your last one was impossible!
#11: Norma Dee (norm0908) on May 23, 2013
I probably could Aldege.:)
#12: BlackCat (BlackCat) on May 23, 2013
Interesting. I had difficulty figuring out what the green is - I thought the "blossum" was an eye.
#13: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on May 23, 2013
Claudia, not impossible. I solved it before the publish. it's do-able. takes time though, and careful reckoning...

K, I had a trivia question that you'd prob know tonight. "The Big Easy shares a southern border to what lake?"
#14: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on May 23, 2013
I have a really good one on the back-burner...at least a hundred puzzles or so ago. sometimes it takes that long to make it right... the new one is an old idea, I finally made it work. mayhaps I'll publish tomorrow
#15: karl (keicher) on May 24, 2013
great image.
#16: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on May 24, 2013
Hmm, the Big Easy's northern border is along Lake Pontchartrain. The border to the south is the Mississippi River. Looking at a map, perhaps they meant Lake Borgne, which is to the SE of the "New Orleans East area." You have to include outlying cities to find lakes to the south.

I had a friend who had several cacti in her home. She would track the weather in AZ/NM and only water her cacti when it rained in the desert.
#17: Lollipop (lollipop) on May 24, 2013
Oh, great tip, Kristen. I'm going to try that!
#18: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on May 24, 2013
oh, northern....sorry. I didn't know it, but my bro got it.

Thanks everyone! :)
#19: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on May 29, 2013
both nice pic & solve
#20: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on May 29, 2013
thanks Tom!
#21: Jota (jota) on May 30, 2013
#22: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on May 30, 2013
ty, J :)

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