peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
Puzzle Description Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers
#1: Dave Oas (khpdave) on May 5, 2013 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#2: Norma Dee (norm0908) on May 5, 2013
Funny Dave :)#3: Freek Kuipers (fkuipers) on May 6, 2013 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#4: Thomas Genuine (Genuine) on May 6, 2013
Pls explain... the words, the picture, everything... :)#5: Norma Dee (norm0908) on May 6, 2013
In this puzzle (and the bad egg puzzle) I am playing with words. In english, stiff is a slang expression for a corpse. When a person says they are bored stiff they are implying that they are almost bored to death. So I tried to show a body on a table in a morgue and by using a play on words I implied that the stiff was bored.#6: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on May 6, 2013
Idioms can be tricky when English isn't your first language.#7: Norma Dee (norm0908) on May 6, 2013
I think English lends itself to puns and playing with words much more than any other language, since we borrow from so many other languages. We have all sorts of words that sound alike (or are spelled alike), but have drastically different meanings.
I love to play with words, but I can sympathize that it must make absolutely no sense to a non-native speaker.
Idioms are tricky, but not nearly as tricky as Cockney rhyming slang. For example: Apples and pears means stairs.#8: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on May 12, 2013
Norma, you should do that as a series. Lots of fun guessing the image first and the meaning second.#9: Norma Dee (norm0908) on May 12, 2013
I'll try some more. I stepped back a little because some solvers were having trouble understanding them, but I can always explain them.
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