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Comments on Puzzle #20715: My Mama Said: YJWTYFGH!
By Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro)

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Puzzle Description:

Silly images, but I think it gives enough of a hint (and I didn't wanna spend a lot of time on it)......first frame is when she said it, the second is after

#1: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Dec 31, 2012

first frame is when she said it.....second is after.
#2: Tom King (sgusa) on Dec 31, 2012 [SPOILER]
You just wait 'til your father gets home!!
#3: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Dec 31, 2012
damn right, Tom! hahahaha
#4: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Dec 31, 2012
Fun Puzzle Kurt.:)
#5: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Dec 31, 2012
there's this "time out" thing nowadays....that surely didn't exist back then. some things with parents now are just weird, if you listen to any of the studies. soooo competitive, and a need to undercut or gossip about the others. the shrinks say it's cuz people are so spread out from their families. a mother used to have her sis's or cuz's near and give support. validation for doing a good job as a parent..... since that is lacking, they feel better by comparing. saying another mom is doing worse or a bad job. kinda interesting, when you first hear it. hell if I know if it's true....I'm not a mom. lol
#6: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Dec 31, 2012
thanks Al! Happy New Year buddy!
#7: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Dec 31, 2012
I always felt sorry for the poor dads whose wives used this. The poor guy walks in the door after a hard day and the first thing he has to do is punish his kid without having the slightest idea what the kid really did.
#8: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Dec 31, 2012
tell me about it. my Pops worked different shifts. he actually had to wake his kids to punish some unknown deed. then tell them to shh and go back to sleep....nice...he made his own choices, but for certain he'd not sleep til it was done or good ol mum wouldn't let it go.
#9: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Dec 31, 2012
My mother took care of the punishment herself. Hair brush, switch, yard stick. Whatever was handy. There seems to be no happy medium. Swat your kid and you can got to jail. Withhold punishment and your kid might grow up to be a hooligan.
#10: Tom King (sgusa) on Jan 1, 2013
Like me?!
#11: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Jan 1, 2013
Lol Tom K. My mom did all the punishment,and like Norma said whatever was close at hand worked for her. Sometimes it was a knife.I was a kid when I saw her try to stab one of my older brothers. He managed to block the knife with his hand,but he got a nasty cut. When I got older she tried to do the same thing to me,but when she went to grab the knife,I ran like heck. I got beat with all kinds of things,including putting my head under a rocking chair,and rocking over my head. She had a violent temper,yet she could be so kind and loving too. I'm not saying what she did was right,but the way laws are now sure makes it tough. I have child psychologist telling me all kinds of ways to deal with our boys,and I've tried them all. Nothing seems to work consistently. I just hope I can instill the difference between right and wrong to them,and hope they understand. I keep reinforcing the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.:)
#12: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Jan 1, 2013
Good heavens, Aldege. I'm certainly glad you survived your childhood. As you remember, Kurt brought our attention to a study which examined nature vs nurture with no really definitive answers. I think the golden rule is a good choice at this time as many researchers feel that a person's personality is formed during the very early ages.

Are we safe in assuming you're not a hooligan, Tom K? :)
#13: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Jan 2, 2013
That's terrible, Aldege! It sounds like she may have had an undiagnosed mental disorder (bipolar, perhaps?). Too often, those sorts of maladies are overlooked, especially in women. It was easier just to shut the door, and not talk about it.

-Says the woman who always knew she was different from her peers, but not why, until she had a child of her own.
#14: Jota (jota) on Jan 2, 2013
I love the title Kurt! LOL! The solve was fun too!
Not that much ... not that little Al!
#15: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Jan 3, 2013
thanks, J! funny how Tom knew it right away too. haha
#16: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Jan 5, 2013
I didn't comment before, but I will share a story me-thinks... my mom's fav was a dish rag. wet it and snap you right in the mouth. I swear the woman practiced it, cuz she'd draw blood more often than not. and always hit you square in the mouth..... but this one time she was going after my brother with a hammer. believe it or not, she actually called the police cuz my brother evaded and wouldn't let her hit him. how funny is that?! wrong, yes....but still funny. she basically called the cops on herself and thought she was right....wow!
#17: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Jan 5, 2013
maybe there's more to say....brother was 17 at the time, so mom knew she was out-gunned if he fought back. still, a hammer? anyway...25 years later, she still thought she was right and tells the story(as if we don't remember) like my brother was an idiot for evading getting hit with a hammer. WTF?! you're right, K. some things get left un-taken care of
#18: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Jan 5, 2013
What a tragic thing to endure while growing up. It's a good thing she couldn't catch your brother.
#19: Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) on Jan 5, 2013
that's long ago...and I'd not feel sorry for her. she's got millions and is very alone. believe it or not, the lady got somewhat better when she finally realized that her kids want nothing to do with her. doesn't beat Aldege though! I was afraid of a stabbing in the night as a kid(as she used to come into our rooms in the early hours when she thought we asleep. never a threat...she'd sprinkle holy water on us. but you don't know what to expect as a kid) never a knife and cutting....if she wanted something big, she'd make Pops do it. and he was sane....lol
#20: Norma Dee (norm0908) on Jan 5, 2013
The song, "Behind Closed Doors" comes to mind with somewhat different lyrics.
#21: Jota (jota) on Jan 6, 2013
OMG! So sad!

Goto next topic

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