peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
Puzzle Description Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers
#1: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Jun 2, 2012 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#2: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jun 2, 2012
looks great Trav, but hate the tie you put on him#3: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Jun 2, 2012
So you intentionally put the answer in the spoiler before letting anyone guess, even after telling us in the title and the description that Teresa's request was to let people guess BEFORE you gave the answer?#4: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jun 2, 2012
Or are you saying this was the last time you were going to give us the answer first, and from now on you will let people guess a while before giving the answer?
Ah, Travis, Travis, Travis. Great puzzle, good title. And then... you spoiled all the fun with the description given in the first comment.#5: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Jun 2, 2012
Thank you anyway, for the thoughtful effort. :-)
tom you don't like pink pokadots on ties,oops,lol#6: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Jun 2, 2012
adam i figured people would guess and then look at spoiler to see if they're right
teresa sorry i spoiled your fun :( i will try again without putting answer in spoiler
I struggled with this issue as well, in the past, when I was creating my puzzle series. If I put the answer in the puzzle description, or in the first comment, some people got upset that they didn't get to guess before seeing the answer. If I posted the answer in a comment a day or two later (after many people had the opportunity to post their guesses) some people got upset that the answer wasn't posted right away, because they didn't want to go back and check later on. I finally created a forum topic and posted each of the answers in that forum right when I published each corresponding puzzle, and told people to check that forum topic if they wanted to see the answer. That way they were also free to post their guess in that puzzle's comments (since they were already right there in that puzzle, having just solved it) before checking the answer in the forum topic. That seemed to work.#7: Jennifer McMahon (kalamalama) on Jun 3, 2012
If it says the answer is in the first spoiler, couldn't people guess before looking at it? Anyway, I still don't know what it is. I enjoyed solving it though.#8: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Jun 3, 2012
adam what happened yesterday is i posted the puzzle right before i went to work and knew i would be gone for 11 hours. i knew i wouldn't have time at work to check back and i didn't want people to wait to long as you said and that's why i put it in spoiler. i'll have to remember about the forum though.#9: Cynthia Lynn McDaniel (mcaardva) on Jun 3, 2012
jennifer that was my thinking
anyway i posted another puzzle last night when i came home and didn't put answer anywhere
Ditto to Jennifer. If you don't want to be spoiled, don't look at the spoiler. I rarely come back to puzzles I've solved, so I appreciate having the answer available, if I wish to view it.#10: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Jun 3, 2012 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#11: Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) on Jun 3, 2012
Yes, many things are possible. This is all I was saying: Once you solve a puzzle, the description (if there is one) pops up on the screen as soon as the puzzle is saved. This is sometimes a problem, especially if the image is something you are not sure about, and you are studying the image after it is completed trying to decide what you "see" the image to be, before you look at the answer. Sometimes it is hard to avert your gaze to not see the description (you basically have to cover it up, as it is so easily present).#12: valerie o..travis (bigblue) on Jun 3, 2012
Then you click on "View and Make Comments" to enter your comment. After you have solved the puzzle, though, all the comments (even those which are hints and spoilers) are in full, plain view. If there are only 1 or 2 comments at the time, and one of them happens to be a spoiler with the correct answer (or other solvers' guesses which may or may not be correct), then those comments are in plain view directly above the box where you type your comment. They are no longer hidden as spoilers. If there are several comments, then you might have room to scroll to the bottom of the comment box where the spoilers are not seen, but the last comment made is still visible. But you still have to do it quickly, because the tendency is to just look at what is written. And don't most people like to read all the comments before posting theirs?
I guess people could adjust the size of their comment box (making it quite short) so that nothing is visible but the smaller box for actually typing the comment. I also suppose people could stop just 1 dot or 1 pixel away from actually completing the puzzle and view/make their comments, so that the spoilers are still hidden as such.
adam, i did not know when there is only one comment and it's a spoiler, that you see it anyway. thanks for info
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