peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solutions: multiple solvability: some guessing?
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#1: Web Paint-By-Number Robot (webpbn) on Dec 14, 2011
Found to have multiple solutions by tsiebert.#2: Tom Siebert (tsiebert) on Dec 14, 2011
I HATE puzzles with multiple solutions. I usually leave them out of my searches. I did this one while it was new because NFL logos are fun, despite there not being a code warning me about the mulutiple solutions. (I guess it takes the first "solver" to trigger the warning. Lucky me on being the patsy this time.) Puzzles with multiple solutions should be banned. Where's the enjoyment if the only way to solve a puzzle is through sheer dumb luck?#3: Russell Reed (russl722) on Dec 14, 2011
My solution looks good and I don't have the patience to hunt and peck my way to finding the "right" one. I take this as a lesson to never again solve a brand new puzzle.
The picture portion was fun. Too bad the word portion ruined the experience for me.
tsiebert, thank you for your comments, I will try to make another one without multiple solutions. Sorry about that, I just started doing these about a month ago and am having a lot of fun solving them. Again, I apologize!#4: Kristen Vognild (Kristen) on Dec 14, 2011
Always solve the puzzle yourself to make sure it's solvable to others. Just because the computer says there's only one solution, that doesn't mean humans will be able to find the one solution. If I get stuck while solving my own puzzle, I'll change a few pixels to make it easier on everyone.#5: Russell Reed (russl722) on Dec 14, 2011
Kristen, thank you for your comments! I will do that.#6: Tom Siebert (tsiebert) on Dec 14, 2011
Okay, what's really odd here is that I just looked at the solution and the different part is in the picture, not in the words. I didn't see multiple choices on the picture when I was solving it.#7: Levi Ross (rhodyboy888) on Dec 14, 2011
The words were hard to solve logically. I stopped trying and just did what I knew had to be right. From the picture (whether the right version or not), it's easy to figure out what the words are going to be.
Still though, I want to see puzzles with multiple solutions disallowed for the reasons I already gave. BUT, it's only fair that I admit that while I've been solving these for quite awhile, I've never once tried to design one (at least not one that's suitable for a family friendly site), so making a puzzle with only one solution might be harder than I'm thinking it is. (At least one worth solving, that is. I don't include in that the numerous silly patterns, tiny puzzles, and seemingly endless assortment of US flag variations. They might be pretty or cute, or in the case of the flags, neither of those, and easy to design, but they're BORING.)
I guessed at the solution after it was obvious. Not sure if I had to or not but the letters at the bottom were hard. I like the picture. Would love to see more NFL logos.#8: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Dec 15, 2011 [SPOILER]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers#9: Russell Reed (russl722) on Dec 15, 2011
Aldege, I had a lot of fun making that puzzle, I have been a fan of the Seahawks since Jim Zorn was the quarterback also. I guess that shows how "well aged" we are! I am planning to make some more NFL logo's also, and keep solving, of course. Thank you for your comments!#10: Aldege Cholette (aldege) on Dec 18, 2011
Hey Russell,i found some of the sports logo's that i have made. Check them out sometime if you feel like it. They are puzzles #'s 12146,13660,13659,15595,and 16067. Hope you enjoy them.:)#11: Russell Reed (russl722) on Dec 18, 2011
Aldege, thank you very much, I have been working on a few more NFL logos, some of them don't seem to lend themselves to well to being presented this way it takes a little bit to make them look presentable. I am going to solve these of yours and maybe I can get some tips from you. Thanks again!#12: Nancy (nbarsi) on Dec 19, 2011 [HINT]
Comment Suppressed:Click below to view hints#13: Teresa K (fasstar) on Dec 28, 2011
I hope you don't mind advice from a seasoned (don't call me old) puzzle maker. The respected puzzle creators on webpbn take care to ensure that:#14: Russell Reed (russl722) on Jan 1, 2012
1) They read and understand the puzzle creation guidelines Jan put together at the link on the puzzle creation page.
2) They solve their own puzzles with logic only BEFORE publishing them to the public so they know whether the experience will be fun for others.
3) They NEVER publish a puzzle that has multiple solutions. (There is an exception or two, but not for newbies.)
3) If they create a puzzle with a message that says "solve it yourself first to make sure it doesn't require guessing," they actually solve it first to see if it really is solvable according to Jan's rules of special logic (that are outlined by Jan in the FAQ tab on the left).
4) If they don't know how to solve using special techniques like edge logic, they don't create puzzles that might not be solvable, until they read and understand how to do the special solving techniques.
5) If it is not solvable, not a good image, or not fun to solve, they fix it or just delete it and try something else.
The only reason I'm making a big deal out of this is that Tom S told you he hates puzzles with multiple solutions. Most of us share his opinion. After you apologized profusely, you continued to create five more puzzles with multiple solutions. Half of the puzzles you have created can't be solved without guessing. Having an awesome image is only half of the experience. Having a good solve along with a good image = a good puzzle that will get you good comments and good ratings. Are we good? Good! :-)
Teresa, I have been striving since your comments to notpublish a puzzle that has multiple solutions and, I believe the last five I have done have been good ones. Thanks for your advice.
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