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quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Lilly Johns (LJohns315) on Jun 26, 2011
Nicely done.#2: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Jun 27, 2011
yep, make more amanda#3: Teresa K (fasstar) on Jul 9, 2011
Good job, Amanda.#4: jewel crown (jewel) on Jun 4, 2012
Well-done! Cute little picture.#5: Susan Nagy (susannagy54) on Aug 24, 2016
Very nice. Is it too late to ask to be shipwrecked on a Dessert Island?#6: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Aug 25, 2016
Only if it had a good dentist in residence. ;)#7: Meg Smith (mamadragonfreak) on May 6, 2020
this island is deserted but i think not a desert. palm trees grow in warm wet climates. i've see a picture of what it looks like when the desert goes down to the sea and it's not that green.#8: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on May 7, 2020
don't get me wrong, i like the picture.
That's half the "fun" of English. "desert island" can mean the same as "deserted island". :)
See also: the dark side of the moon. It gets just as much sun as the side we see, but it's "dark" to our knowledge, because we can never see it. (Or it was, until spacecraft was invented.)
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