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Comments on Puzzle #1248: Pretty Molly
By Gypso (Gypso)

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#1: Ida Stagsted (dipsyhappy) on Aug 26, 2007

cool, i couldn't see what it was till i read it.
#2: Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz) on Aug 26, 2007
That is so cute and such an original idea, I love it :)
#3: m2 (mercymercy) on Aug 26, 2007
I see it!
#4: J.C. Anderson (jc.noserdna) on Aug 27, 2007 [SPOILER]
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#5: Gypso (Gypso) on Aug 27, 2007
Thank you all for your comments and for being good sports!

How long are your nephews visiting JC? It would be fun to see their puzzles. Sounds like your Nathan has a much better imagination than I do!
#6: J.C. Anderson (jc.noserdna) on Aug 27, 2007
Just a few more days, then back home to LA-la land; school starts next week. The imagination is great except that he paints lions that look like toes :}. Kinda like when people tell that weasel tastes like chicken, it's fine except that from that day on, all chicken is gonna taste like weasel!Just so much to do, so little time. Took them to the Living Desert today, which is really cool, don't miss it if you are ever out here. Then comes the hot of the day, and even doing nothing makes you sweat. (Hope I don't sound like I'm whining-- Waaaaaaah!) Anywho, maybe we'll try to make a puz after supper. You have been warned!
#7: Twillis (twillis) on Oct 27, 2007
Ha! That's very cute. What a neat idea.
#8: Gypso (Gypso) on Aug 27, 2007
Thanks Theresa :)

JC, what a fun uncle you are! Can't wait for a nephew puzzle, that is if you all don't puddle up and evaporate.. (Living Desert cool? Hmmm).
Haven't eaten weasel in years ^>^
#9: J.C. Anderson (jc.noserdna) on Aug 27, 2007
We saw many animals and birds including many raptors, roadrunners, oryx, and horn bills, giraffes, warthogs, cheetahs, sandcats, big ear fox, dozens of cacti and succulents, adn zillions of lizards running wild all over the grounds. Jack Henry (the older) was bummed because there was not a bearded dragon, even tho he has one at home. Some people wouldn't be happy if you hung them with a new rope.
That is a pretty dumb saying, isn't it? You get the gist of it, but it's still stupid. A former boss used to say of people he didn't like "I wouldn't[urinate] on that guy if he was on fire". Well, no, John, you don't like the guy. Of course you wouldn't, you want him to burn.
Maybe it's one of those Gunsmoke sayings that Festus was always coming up with "Ooooo, that makes me madder'n a green tailed possum in a wood choppin' contest."
We grew up with goofy sayings. My mother used to tell me (in my rowdy youth) that I was "burning both candles with the same stick", and that one of these days I was "going to have reap all those wild oats you've been sowing". Did you know that laughing during a lecture makes it worse, and that suppressing the laughter ruptures internal organs?

Never eaten weasel, but I've had weasels ripped my flesh.
#10: Gypso (Gypso) on Aug 27, 2007
Lol Isn't that what makes colorful phrases so endearing? The fact that they don't make literal sense but describe the situation to a T?

My mother was also full of "Archie Bunkerisms". She was pretty cute :) Yes, I do know that laughing during a lecture makes it worse. Isn't that why we risk ruptured organs? I'm tellin' ya, that suppressing laughter when YOU'RE the lecturer can be even more damaging. The sheer effort of keeping the corners of your mouth from smiling can make your eyes bug out and your brain explode. My kids have reduced me to the "deer in the headlights" position where I stood motionless, trapped in an old Twilight Zone episode, wondering how the devil I got to a land where someone trusted me to give the lecture. Then they all had ice cream!

Come to think of it, I too have had weasels rip my flesh! I should have eaten him.

Can't say that I'm fond of any kind of lizard. Non poisonous snakes are okay, but noooot a lizard. I'm fascinated by people (in my experience mostly kids) who enjoy them. I'm always curious as to what they find so cuddly about them and whether their reptile attraction could help me overcome my discomfort.
#11: m2 (mercymercy) on Aug 28, 2007
Speaking of colorful phrases I had a friend who always said "That's the way the cookie bounces."
#12: J.C. Anderson (jc.noserdna) on Aug 28, 2007
M2, I'm gonna steal that one. "why buy the cow when you're getting the milk for free" is one not everybody has heard, it refers to not getting married when you are already having marital relations*. Check out the looks you get from people when you lay this one on them "Why buy the cow when you're getting the ground beef for free". Steak also works but ground beef really gets peoples' wheels turning.

Gyps, most people are just t he opposite when it comes to the reptiles, for some reason the dudes without legs seem to bug folks more often. (I once worked in a pet store) What I never to this could fathom were the people who detested reptiles, but wanted to play with the tarantulas. I was well into my twenties before I could even touch a page in a magazine that had a picture of a spider on it. Not the spider itself, but just touching the background of the photo paralyzed me. Living on the beach for ten years got me out of the arachnaphobia by necessity; maybe the lizard thing would help if you were afraid of them. If you just don't like them or are indifferent, having one around probably wouldn't make you like them.

We worked at a restaurant owned and operated by Greek immigrants. Great restaurant, great people, but poor Maria could not curse in English. She would try, but man it just got worse. She'd be bawling us out adn then suddenly say something like "this makes me hell much mad". We'd try not to laugh, she'd get madder adn it would just snowball. Rest her soul.

What kind of icecream?
#13: Gypso (Gypso) on Aug 28, 2007
lol Again, very funny Mercy2! Makes me wonder what was in that cookie.

JC, I Am afraid of lizards. So much so that I dance around the issue of openly admitting it. Some one might kidnap me and put me in a room full of lizards :o ! There, I've said it out loud.

Where was this "spider" beach you lived on? And a pet store too? My goodness you should write a book. Sounds like you're living an adventurous and colorful life. So fun to hear about too.

My Dad was fond of the "why buy the cow..." expression. Staying with the bovine theme, he also said "If you want to get close to the cow, get close to the calf" He said that in reference to a guy I dated who terrified my then 2 yo son. He wasn't a bad guy, he was just a bit clumsy with kids. *goodbye scary man*

As to ice cream, dulce de leche with bouncing cookie dough on the side, of course! Moooo, boing ^>^
#14: J.C. Anderson (jc.noserdna) on Aug 28, 2007
Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle! Magnificent sound effects! The beach was on the south side of Lake Michigan in Indiana. The sun would set just to the left fo the Chicago skyline, and in summer you could lie on your back in the evening among the long dune grasses and watch as thousands of blue and green dragonflies zipped and hovered from between two and twenty feet over you. Very beautiful, really, and quiet because so many people were used to the beach that they became jaded and hardly ever visited the shore that was only a couple blocks away. Even in the middle of summer on a warm night, you'd only see a handful of folks during the week.
Maybe my life sounds colorful in what my dad would refer to as the "halcyon days". That's when you look back at how carefree and happy you were, without remembering the scary parts. Maybe like being a hippie chick and getting into concerts, and forgeting about worrying about finding cash to eat cause people didn't hire hippie chicks? YOur life sounds pretty storyworthy in its own right.
#15: Gypso (Gypso) on Aug 28, 2007
I think that any passion driven life lived with honesty and wholehearted compassion is a story worth hearing. Humor and bravery are nice too. The scary parts are only reminders of what we need to learn. The tricky part is not allowing the nostalgia that we've trapped in attic amber to fool us into believing that today holds neither overwhelming joy nor new discoveries. I don't know or, truthfully, care if the best is yet to come or if the best has already happened. "I'm ready for my close-up Mr DeMille" How could I possibly know yet?

Your beach description sans dragonflies and skyline sounds lovely, JC. Your story inspired me to wax er uh the surfboard, the swingset slide, the car or both candles with the same stick. Thank you ^>^
#16: Lora Ellis (sonflower413) on Nov 16, 2007
This is a good one, but I had no idea what it was until I was finished.
#17: Gypso (Gypso) on Nov 17, 2007
Don't worry Sonflower, it even perplexes me. :D
#18: zandperl (zandperl) on Dec 18, 2007 [SPOILER]
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#19: Scylla Kat (scyllacat) on Apr 3, 2008
Very pretty, and my favorite colorful twist on a phrase is "We'll burn that bridge when we come to it." Just to add, what, 7 months later?, to the conversation...
#20: Gypso (Gypso) on Apr 4, 2008
Lol That's a good one Scylla and also among my favorites.
#21: Nancy Snyder (naneki) on Apr 6, 2008
How about..."Lord willing and the creek don't rise!"
my mom says that all the time :)
or these..
Ain't that a kick in the butt?
"It's a dog-eat-dog world!"
#22: Gypso (Gypso) on Apr 6, 2008
Lol Naneki. The creek rising is a favorite of my Dad's too. :)
#23: Arduinna (arduinna) on Apr 8, 2008
No kidding, I actually had a student once write in his paper, "it's a doggie dog world"! I HAD to make fun on that one. In the margin I wrote "Is it a Snoop Doggie Dog world? Don't use cliches, especially if you don't know what they mean!"
#24: Gypso (Gypso) on Apr 8, 2008
That one takes the cake Arduinna. There was NO way that you couldn't have made fun of it. lol
#25: Sunset Smiley (sunsetsmiley) on Jun 26, 2008
I think you did a great job on this puzzle. I like it.
#26: Gypso (Gypso) on Jun 27, 2008
Thank you Michelle. :-)
#27: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 28, 2008
What a unique image!
Well done!
#28: Gypso (Gypso) on Aug 28, 2008 [SPOILER]
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#29: Adam Nielson (monkey) on Aug 28, 2008
So cute. :-)
#30: Byrdie (byrdie) on Apr 19, 2009
That and a quarter will get you a cup of coffee - used to make sense but:
A) I haven't seen a quarter cup of coffee in a long time, and,
B) I don't drink coffee.
#31: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on Sep 26, 2010
I'm sorry I never got to interact with Gypso or JC. I started solving puzzles here just after they left and they still had many current comments, so I feel I know them.

To add to the animal stories, I had a ferret who would nibble toes, but she never "ripped my flesh"! The most painful injury I've received from a pet was from my cat Raven.
As a kitten, his favorite place was on my shoulder. Now he's about 20lbs (muscle, not fat) and overflows my arms. Somewhere in between is when he really didn't fit on my shoulder anymore, but wanted to be there.
The last day he got on my shoulder, he realized he didn't fit and decided to jump down. Unfortunately, he chickened out and decided to stay, but was already overbalanced. He ended up hanging from my back by his claws. OUCH.

Speaking of cats, my current favorite odd phrase is "it's like herding cats" for anything that is completely uncontrollable.
#32: noodles (lhirst) on Oct 22, 2013
lol Joe! I've had the same experience with my cat!! :)
#33: Dianne Hamilton (dlh46) on Nov 27, 2013 [SPOILER]
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