peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line & color logic only
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#1: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Feb 23, 2011
You'd think it'd be dangerous for the kittens, with him up there.#2: Jota (jota) on Feb 23, 2011
Or for her ...#3: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Feb 24, 2011
are you not a girl?#4: Trish (tryingmysoul) on Feb 24, 2011
You lead an interesting life.#5: Alison Deem (Indigo) on Feb 24, 2011
That's so cool...I especially like the part about "he's used to it." Different creatures living together and it works?? LOVE IT!#6: Sarah Andrews (sarah) on Feb 24, 2011
Tom, scream like a girl is a high-pitched shriller scream than scream like a woman. I can't say I scream like a guy because guys don't scream when they see a snake or at least I don't think they do.#7: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Feb 24, 2011
You know who has the worst scream? Julia Roberts. She sort of shouts "Whoa!"#8: Carol Brand (KarylAnn) on Feb 24, 2011
You're going to need a bigger roof soon! Getting crowded!#9: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Feb 25, 2011
i thought "scream like a girl" was more of a "eek"#10: Sarah Andrews (sarah) on Feb 25, 2011
Kristen, will have to check next time I watch a Julia Roberts film. Carol, you're right about that. Tom, "eek" is for when you see a mouse.#11: Sarah Andrews (sarah) on Feb 25, 2011
Kristen, will have to check next time I watch a Julia Roberts film. Carol, you're right about that. Tom, "eek" is for when you see a mouse.#12: Kristen Vognild (kristen) on Feb 25, 2011
Try Pretty Woman (when she's surprised by Richard Gere snapping the jewelry box shut), or Sleeping With the Enemy.#13: Susan Duncan (medic25733) on Feb 25, 2011
It's funny you mention mice - we have a black rat snake which takes care of our mouse problem at the cottage. Too bad people scream when they see it because then he/she stays away for a while.#14: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Feb 25, 2011
So do the brown rat snakes only eat brown rats and the black rat snakes eat the black rats. That's a very specific dietary restriction for a snake.#15: Tom O'Connell (sensei69) on Feb 26, 2011
I've heard it's the brown chickens that lay the brown eggs. Is that true?
and, therefore, the brown eggs produce the brown chickens#16: Byrdie (byrdie) on Feb 26, 2011
There are 4 varietyies of chickens that lay white eggs. The remainder all lay brown eggs with the exception of a couple varieties that lay eggs with different colors ranging from white to pink to yellow to green to brown and light blue. In the chickens that lay different colored eggs, a hen will always lay the same colored egg, just within that breed you don't know what color you'll get until the hen starts laying.#17: Carol Brand (KarylAnn) on Feb 26, 2011
The chickens that lay white eggs do so with a greater frequency making them better for production. That's why the majority of eggs in stores are white.
Contrary to popular belief, there is no difference in the taste due to shell color. That has all to do with freshness.
Also contrary to popular belief, you don't need a rooster to get hens to lay eggs - only to have the eggs be fertile. On the other hand, there have been some studies that suggest fertile eggs have less colesterol.
No, the color of the hen does not suggest what color the eggs will be. I've had varieties of white chickens that laid beautiful, big brown eggs.
I learn something new everyday on this site!#18: Jota (jota) on Feb 26, 2011
Good L-egg-son !#19: Sarah Andrews (sarah) on Feb 26, 2011
Our "brown" rat snake is black. I just read that in my part of the state, there are more black than brown rat snakes. Aren't rats always brown? The snake doesn't care what color his food is. Good chicken/egg comments, byrdie. Our hens lay brown eggs. Some chickens are very friendly and will sit in your lap and "cuddle".#20: Jane Doe (telly) on Feb 26, 2011
My in-law's had a rat that was black and white,like this one: Jota (jota) on Feb 26, 2011
but rats can be all sorts of colors such as: gray, orangish, white, black, brown, tan, etc.
Your snake is as tall as I am...that's scary. I'd scream too. But, I hate snakes...also rats.
Nothing like the gray rats in NYC.#22: Teresa K (fasstar) on Mar 14, 2011
Ewwww, Jota. I saw the size of the neighborhood rats in Washington DC and that was scary. My daughter likes to watch "Infested" on Animal Planet cable channel, and that is really gross. Last night we saw infestations of rats at one home, and snakes at another.#23: Brian Bellis (mootpoint) on Mar 14, 2011
Sarah, I'm glad you are so tolerant of your tenants. That would just freak me out though.
Thanks for the interesting info, Martin.
Thanks Byrdie. I've always wnted to know.#24: Byrdie (byrdie) on Mar 14, 2011
My pleasure.#25: Maggie Johns (Magginni) on Jun 8, 2011
You definitely have a lot of different experiences. Keep making more puzzles, everyone really enjoys them.#26: Edith Clark (eclark) on Jul 19, 2011
I love the comments after the puzzles. They are almost more fun than the puzzles. I love to go to yard sales and one recent Saturday I saw a snake at 2 of them. Unfortunately for the snakes, the homeowners weren't as tolerant (or maybe educated) as Sarah and both met their end.
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