peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: much guessing?
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#1: BlackCat (BlackCat) on Jan 31, 2011
Spent about an hour and couldn't get much done at all and couldn't see any edge logic to use.#2: Niki Cholette (Niki420) on Feb 1, 2011
I thought when you check it and it says its completely solvable by logic alone, that it is. I thought you only had to double check when it says unique solution but it says to try it yourself. Can the checker be wrong?#3: Jota (Jota) on May 31, 2011
This should have said "it has a unique solution, but you try ..." I couldn't solve, sorry!#4: Ki Bitzar (kibitzar) on May 13, 2017
What a wonderful solve. Thank you for creating it!#5: Vaggelis Kamaris (evag7651) on Dec 20, 2017
solved by logic alone. nice.
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