Web Paint-by-Number Forum
Topic #1075: Option button not working
By Courtenay Footman (Courtenay)

#1: Courtenay Footman (Courtenay) on Sep 27, 2024

When I hit the option button all I get is blank window. The URL that is being used is:
which looks obviously wrong. This has been going on for a couple of days now.
Is this something I did, and if so, how can I fix it? If it isn't something I did, can it be fixed?

Thank you.
#2: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Sep 27, 2024
Hm. It's working when I click on it. Do you use an ad blocker or some type of popup blocker? I wonder if it's that. Also, what browser and operating system do you use?
#3: Courtenay Footman (Courtenay) on Sep 27, 2024
I am using firefox and adblock+. Until three days ago the option button worked fine. Windows 11.
#4: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Sep 28, 2024
Ok, now I am officially baffled.

The gory details of what I tried: I usually use Google Chrome as my browser, so I tried using Firefox (on Windows 10) to access the site. The Options button worked fine in both HTML and SVG mode. So I used the admin option to "become" user Courtenay and tried again, with your settings. Still the button worked fine. Then I installed AdBlock Plus on my Firefox, did a super-reload on the frame, and (still as user Courtenay) I tried the Options button again. And it still worked fine.

I'll go check the website's error logs to see if I can spot any clues there.

Could your computer be running out of memory? Are other things running okay? Could you try rebooting your computer to see if that helps?
#5: Courtenay Footman (Courtenay) on Sep 28, 2024
I just rebooted, and the Option button still did not work.

If I type in https://webpbn.com/playopt.html, I get the option window, but it does not apply to the current puzzle I am working on.

Everything else is running fine. I tried looling at cookies; webpbn had exactly one cookie, and removing it did not fix the problem.

Thank you for helping me with this.

#6: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Sep 28, 2024
Another question: What size puzzle are you working on? Does this happen on small puzzles, or only on big ones?
#7: Courtenay Footman (Courtenay) on Sep 28, 2024
I tried it on both 20x20 and 60x45; same result.

The problem is that the URL that comes up when I hit the option button,
is obviously wrong; that '?pbn=', with nothing after the '=' can't be right.
#8: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Sep 28, 2024
For whatever it's worth, that's the same URL that I get, and it works for me, so I don't think it's that.

On a long-shot, I tried logging in on www.webpbn.com (with the "www." instead of without it) and using the admin tools to become user Courtenay, and it still worked fine.

Courtenay, do you use any other browser extensions? And do you have any other browsers on your computer that you could try this from, to see if it works there?
#9: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Sep 28, 2024
Another thought: Could you confirm *which* Options button that is? You find this button when you are working on a puzzle, and it is located to the left of Redo and above Save, right? It *has* to be that button, but I thought I should check, in case we are looking at two different places.
#10: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Sep 28, 2024
Another theory: Could you log in on staging.webpbn.com and see if the Options button works there? I added some pop-up messages, to give some debugging information. Could you tell me if you see a message that says "window.opener is _____" and what it says in the blank -- or if there is nothing there? And, after that, do you also see a message that says "here too"?
#11: Courtenay Footman (Courtenay) on Sep 28, 2024
OK. This is strange. I just tried chrome, and it worked just fine. Firefox is still not working. Yes, the Option button is to the left of the "Redo" button and above the "Save".

Just tried "stating.webpbn.com" on firefox. That worked. webpbn.com on firefox still is not working.
#12: Courtenay Footman (Courtenay) on Sep 30, 2024
OK, firefox is working now. I didn't do anything to make it work, so I assume either you did, or the good computer fairy visited me. In either case, thank you.
#13: Valerie Mates (valerie) on Oct 1, 2024
Thanks for the update -- glad it's working! I did not change anything, so clearly it was the work of the good computer fairy. :)
#14: Joe (infrapinklizzard) on Oct 1, 2024
One thing that can cause this type of thing is when the ad blocker (or even the browser itself) is set to prevent pop-ups.
Usually you can allow popups for specific sites, so it should be allowed for this site (since there are no ads)

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