peek at solution solve puzzle
quality: difficulty: solvability: line logic only
Puzzle Description Suppressed:Click below to view spoilers
#1: Teresa K (fasstar) on Oct 5, 2010
Very fun. I'm still not sure what it all means, but I'm having fun with these.#2: Mark (mark.jeronimus) on Oct 6, 2010
So, if you don't mind, could I ask you a question, Mark? Is there a reason for your cropping the grid the way you did? It seems to me you could have effectively portrayed the image in a grid 70x15. It makes counting a little bit easier. Also, some people have smaller laptop screens and are at a disadvantage with very wide puzzles. As are those of us who have vision impairments and need to enlarge the puzzle. This was in B&W (very nicely done!) so I didn't need to enlarge this one, but it's usually a good idea not to make it any wider/taller than necessary. Just a suggestion. :-)
Thanks for your fun series. I'm looking forward to seeing where this series is going.
They are images that were originally used on teletext (I think) and have fallen out of use, so I wanted to give them a new life. I had them sitting om my hard drive for more than 10 years. The colors are my own addition, as well as the inverted right half of this one (without that it was unsolvable). It's B&W because there are no colors that would work here, of course.
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