Web Paint-by-Number

Welcome to Web Paint-by-Number! We have 30,883 puzzles on-line, all contributed by our user community. For a full list, use the "Register" button at left to create a free user account and log in. Not only will you be able to access all puzzles, but we'll keep track of which puzzles you have solved and you'll be able to customize your setting and participate in the discussion forums.

Featured Puzzles
puzzle difficulty size colors author create date
#30586: One up (or maybe not)Beginner20x203Kristen Vognild (kristen)Dec  2, 2017
#5131: What do you see Black or White?Beginner50x602Maria Guedez (bapebyto.1)Feb 23, 2009
#1499: Coloured creatureEasy40x302Gitte Olesen (granny40)Sep 27, 2007
#12618: Grandma And Grandpa's Wedding AlbumEasy30x304Trish (tryingmysoul)Mar  7, 2011
#34156: They can't stop me....Intermediate20x203Aldege Cholette (rogue)May 31, 2020
#16790: Christmas Greetings!Intermediate45x405Aldege Cholette (Aldege)Dec 16, 2011
#11268: santa for realHard50x504sanane samanye (maceraseven)Dec  7, 2010
#2084: Cheeky (adult rated)Hard80x505BJ_Sturgeon (BJ_Sturgeon)Jan  1, 2008
#33035: Memories of Herman 15Brain-Busting30x305Aldege Cholette (rogue)Oct 15, 2019
#28081: BuckleyBrain-Busting14x142b. b. (ripkoops)Jun  1, 2016

Recently Published Puzzles
puzzle size colors author create date
#39027: The panda30x202Brian Bellis (mootpoint)Dec  2, 2024
#39026: !st Gerat Grand Daughter!20x204Jota (jota)Nov 29, 2024
#39025: the King20x205Jessikitty Rose (jrosemarsh129)Nov 27, 2024
#39024: anagram of "enter pie"20x203Jessikitty Rose (jrosemarsh129)Nov 27, 2024
#39020: PSA20x152Wombat (wombatilim)Nov 27, 2024
#39019: Cock20x202Natalia Pcolova (Natty)Nov 27, 2024
#39017: i love calculus30x302edeeleed (edeeleed)Nov 26, 2024
#39013: Another mondegreen20x202Kristen Vognild (kristen)Nov 24, 2024
#36772: What do you get when you...(33)20x202Joanne Firla (JoFirla)Nov 24, 2024
#39011: broken30x305N. Franklin (kaytris)Nov 23, 2024
#39010: A sure contest winner15x305gregg licht (Lgreg)Nov 23, 2024
#39007: breakfast20x202Natalia Pcolova (Natty)Nov 22, 2024
#39006: test8x102julian kusin (jfkusin)Nov 20, 2024
#39005: test8x102julian kusin (jfkusin)Nov 20, 2024
#39004: 3 inches tall20x305Wombat (wombatilim)Nov 20, 2024
#34495: Fractal Stage 12x24seulki (sleepground)Nov 19, 2024
#39000: 39K30x153Eunho Cho (Kep1er07)Nov 19, 2024
#38998: oh, duck!20x202Natalia Pcolova (Natty)Nov 19, 2024
#38969: i can read your mind20x202Natalia Pcolova (Natty)Nov 19, 2024
#38970: egg20x202Natalia Pcolova (Natty)Nov 19, 2024

Active Discussions
topic comments
Puzzle #39027: The pandaSolveRead7
Puzzle #39017: i love calculusSolveRead15
Puzzle #22392: GentlySolveRead19
Puzzle #124: Joke and DaggerSolveRead15
Puzzle #4974: RyanSolveRead11
Puzzle #7289: some sort of raindear with a red nose :)SolveRead15
Puzzle #7293: grandmas quiltSolveRead7
Puzzle #7819: It Was A Dark And Stormy Night...SolveRead16
Puzzle #12618: Grandma And Grandpa's Wedding AlbumSolveRead15
Puzzle #19254: WCP #113: No sleep till...SolveRead11

Twenty Restored Puzzles From The Database Crash:
puzzle size colors author create date
#27165: Would you like a bite?40x305Deb Rysavy Lien (d_lien)Jan  1, 2016
#27167: Let it ... !34x312Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator)Jan  1, 2016
#27168: No onions, please20x404Belita (Belita)Jan  1, 2016
#27169: Layers15x254Brian Bellis (mootpoint)Jan  1, 2016
#27170: I don't know how to read ...20x112Jeffrey Jackson (jjackson7608)Jan  1, 2016
#27171: All roads lead to Detroit.40x355Aldege Cholette (Aldege)Jan  1, 2016
#27172: bummer10x103vindersloon (vindersloon)Jan  1, 2016
#27173: I'm always curious ...46x502Hanhong Xue (macroxue)Jan  1, 2016
#27174: Downhill 55x452Hanhong Xue (macroxue)Jan  1, 2016
#27175: Musical18x232Erik Leppen ()Jan  1, 2016
#27176: Seventh chord40x602Erik Leppen ()Jan  1, 2016
#27177: Not what I was hoping for.30x302Aldege Cholette (Aldege)Jan  1, 2016
#27178: WCP #176 - Last Day20x202W. Brayton Batson (batsonb)Jan  1, 2016
#27179: WCP #176 The Van30x202W. Brayton Batson (batsonb)Jan  1, 2016
#27180: WCP 176 What I expect20x205Vesta Vath ()Jan  1, 2016
#27181: Super Bowl Rebus Revisited40x405Teresa K (fasstar)Jan  1, 2016
#27183: #176 2016 What to expect...30x305Ellen Vollor (evollor)Jan  1, 2016
#27184: rv central60x605Pinkerthinker ()Jan  1, 2016
#27185: A musing puzzle40x403Joe (infrapinklizzard)Jan  1, 2016
#27187: Sounds like.......10x153Norma Dee (norm0908)Jan  1, 2016

A after a puzzle title indicates that it contains some blotted clues.
All puzzles should have a unique solution derivable by logic alone unless one of the following marks appears:
    Has a unique solution, but some guessing is required to find it.
    Has multiple solutions, some guessing is required.
    Has a unique solution, but requires massive guessing to find it.
    Has multiple solutions and requires massive guessing.
    Has a unique solution, but much lookahead is required to find it.