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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#25323 What kind of tree can you carry in your hand? 8 Kelly Kriese (sunlite) Jan  1, 2014 
#25335 Weekly Challenge #157: If you had three legs, what would you be? 8 Kelly Kriese (sunlite) Jan  1, 2014 
#25340 WCP # 157 2)If I had three legs? 6 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2014 
#25343 WCP #157 If I were a table 4 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) Jan  1, 2014 
#25352 WCP #157 3) Remember when...... 8 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2014 
#25353 Patty 7 Kelly Kriese (sunlite) Jan  1, 2014 
#25356 WCP #157 Since I have three legs... 7 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2014 
#25358 WCP # 157 4) Wouldn't it be handy....... 4 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2014 
#25363 WCP # 157 5) More 3 legged 7 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2014 
#25376 October 3, 2014 is... 4 Kelly Kriese (sunlite) Jan  1, 2014 
#25389 WC #157 If I had three legs... 5 Ellen Vollor (evollor) Jan  1, 2014 
#25390 Tomorrow's Total Lunar Eclipse 6 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2014 
#25400 October 10th, 2014... 6 Kelly Kriese (sunlite) Jan  1, 2014 
#25402 my frist 1 2 sophie beswick () Jan  1, 2014 
#25414 Do you need a weighing scale? 4 peter beswick (peterjb44) Jan  1, 2014 
#25416 shooting 3 peter beswick (peterjb44) Jan  1, 2014 
#25431 Minnesota Businesses #1 4 Jonah Kramer (jredbarn) Jan  1, 2014 
#25436 Friday Evening 6 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) Jan  1, 2014 
#25438 Minnesota Businesses #5 3 Jonah Kramer (jredbarn) Jan  1, 2014 
#25439 Minnesota Businesses #6 2 Jonah Kramer (jredbarn) Jan  1, 2014 
#25441 Anas platyrhynchos 6 Kelly Kriese (sunlite) Jan  1, 2014 
#25443 Bad Wolf 4 Sir Percival (sirpercival) Jan  1, 2014 
#25450 Super Mario Bros Iterm 3 Courtney (TheArcticFox) Jan  1, 2014 
#25458 October 21st, 2014 was... 4 Kelly Kriese (sunlite) Jan  1, 2014 
#25467 Spoonerism product 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2014 
#38172 Spoonerism #8 10 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  8, 2024 
#25477 Fishes (by Ann) 4 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) Jan  1, 2014 
#25491 WCP #158 Below the waist 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2014 
#25526 Pretty Colors - Insect 4 Wanda McMaster () Jan  1, 2014 
#25536 WC # 159 - Find your way out! 4 CSMat () Jan  1, 2014 
#25537 Trucking Along 3 CSMat () Jan  1, 2014 
#25575 For Whom The Bell Tolls 8 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2014 
#25596 ? 4 Sami Sapp () Jan  1, 2014 
#25597 Mr Cat is putting up his Xmas decorations. 4 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2014 
#25610 Santa Baby 4 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2014 
#25623 12/14-4 After the blizzard 6 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2014 
#25624 WCP # 161 - Think Pink 5 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2014 
#25625 Boom 3 Seleucus Frost () Jan  1, 2014 
#25627 River Behind Flowers 4 Benjamin Avrahami () Jan  1, 2014 
#25632 Butterfly 2 Benjamin Avrahami () Jan  1, 2014 
#25635 'Tis the Season 3 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Jan  1, 2014 
#25640 2,3 3 Stephen Christie () Jan  1, 2014 
#25650 Video games 3 5 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2014 
#25656 Another odd X mas tradition 5 3 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2014 
#25663 checkers 5 ben jammin () Jan  1, 2014 
#25666 on deck 3 ben jammin () Jan  1, 2014 
#25667 Not so Pterrible 4 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2014 
#25669 tunel of colors 3 ben jammin () Jan  1, 2014 
#25672 side house 3 ben jammin () Jan  1, 2014 
#25689 Happy New Year :) 1 S Woodworth (motherdearest) Jan  1, 2015 
#25691 Seeing double on this puzzle 3 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan  1, 2015 
#25693 A Moment of silence...... 4 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2015 
#25699 My heart is breaking 5 Eva Aldrich (vevaldrich) Jan  1, 2015 
#25700 Mondegreen #10 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2015 
#25702 The King 7 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2015 
#25710 Sports 4 ancestral () Jan  1, 2015 
#25712 Dinner 5 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan  1, 2015 
#25716 Sign of Peace 3 ancestral () Jan  1, 2015 
#25719 My pharmacy visit 6 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan  1, 2015 
#25721 Little Michael 9 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2015 
#25725 Mine is empty 10 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan  1, 2015 
#25727 Ikat 5 Courtney (TheArcticFox) Jan  1, 2015 
#25737 Rudolf... 5 Rita Lebedeva (vitanulka) Jan  1, 2015 
#25738 warm and light 4 Rita Lebedeva (vitanulka) Jan  1, 2015 
#25740 I have no idea what this was fof 4 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2015 
#25746 Going a step further. 7 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2015 
#25758 Which movie 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2015 
#25760 Can you hear the music? 5 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan  1, 2015 
#25768 Childhood disease 6 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2015 
#25774 Self Portrait 4 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan  1, 2015 
#25776 New arrival 6 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2015 
#25777 Learning to help. 5 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2015 
#25782 We don't need no... 7 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2015 
#25787 What Physics Concept? #4 6 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2015 
#25788 What Physics Concept? #5 3 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan  1, 2015 
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