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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#2498 scenic # 2 3 harris harris (torough4u) Mar 22, 2008 
#2995 "Angry" Boy 5 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Jun 29, 2008 
#2814 Tattoos 2 2 Nancy Snyder (naneki) May 21, 2008 
#2816 Tattoos 3 16 Nancy Snyder (naneki) May 21, 2008 
#2835 Tattoos 10 10 Nancy Snyder (naneki) May 22, 2008 
#3074 Bunch of Peonies 11 Rose Brock (rosebroc) Jul 16, 2008 
#3162 I own everything! 7 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Jul 27, 2008 
#3163 Somebody got me wet! 10 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Jul 27, 2008 
#3290 Monosodium Glutamate 46 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Aug 16, 2008 
#3295 Equus series: Myth: sagitta 20 Zuzana (Mori.1) Aug 18, 2008 
#3383 Oh d-d-d-dear! 24 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Aug 31, 2008 
#3456 I made a deal with you! 25 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Sep  7, 2008 
#3538 Running behind? 15 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Sep 13, 2008 
#3528 Am I really the only one? 18 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Sep 12, 2008 
#3544 "Ah say, boy... Ah say!" 15 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Sep 14, 2008 
#3590 "Somewhere out there..." 19 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Sep 18, 2008 
#3670 The bravest screwdriver collector ever! 13 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Sep 26, 2008 
#3684 S. D. #1... Who am I? 23 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Sep 28, 2008 
#4821 Psycotic Villain 5 Steve Johnson (swjohnson12) Jan 23, 2009 
#6820 my hanncock 16 Heather (heatherkewl) Sep 28, 2009 
#6893 Pokemon Pikto #008 15 Gator (gator) Dec  2, 2009 
#7817 theres a storm at my house 6 Hanna Graver (roodies2cool) Feb 13, 2010 
#7895 Detectives Friend No.4 18 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Feb 28, 2010 
#34704 My Signature 9 Stephanie Walker (callmeseverus) Nov 19, 2020 
#10585 Lois' enemy 8 ashley albiston (ashleywestover) Oct  6, 2010 
#8601 12:00 midnight: a conga line forms. 17 Linda Martin (ilovethispuzzle123) Apr 30, 2010 
#8825 volcanoes 1 terry glad (gladman) May 15, 2010 
#9904 Don't Get MAD... 25 David Bouldin (dbouldin) Apr 17, 2011 
#10088 Buffalo Solider 6 Shelly Havok (HavoksAngel.1) Aug 24, 2010 
#11058 1 rondier helene (molouhel) Feb 13, 2011 
#11574 WCP #74 Give peace a chance 30 Byrdie (byrdie) Dec 26, 2010 
#11619 cool diesign 2 Danielle Alpert (Rusty.1) Dec 31, 2010 
#11909 #76 WCP At the fair. 13 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jan 27, 2011 
#12313 Chicago in the 30's 7 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Feb 19, 2011 
#3883 Marilyn 7 dewilbee (aguler01) Feb 27, 2011 
#12482 PUFF! 9 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Mar  1, 2011 
#12517 Not soon enough. 15 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Mar  3, 2011 
#12600 The School Musical 3 MaryJane Anderson (o-so-clever) Mar  6, 2011 
#12748 We bring gifts. 11 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Mar 15, 2011 
#12771 Mr. B. has matured....sort of. 23 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Mar 16, 2011 
#13476 Finding...? 9 Anja A. (missunderztood) Apr 19, 2011 
#13569 Fight for your right! 3 Anja A. (missunderztood) Apr 23, 2011 
#13629 no tweet, tweet (no guessing needed) 12 harris harris (torough4u) Apr 26, 2011 
#14971 Ferocity 21 Nick Fragman (Baxterbix) Jun 27, 2011 
#15150 ...Where No One Has Gone Before 14 Christopher Prince (RThunder72) Jul 11, 2011 
#15628 Class! 7 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Aug 22, 2011 
#15771 A Nice Gal 6 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Sep  8, 2011 
#16141 Greater Swiss Mountain Dog 3 Spela Justin (sp3lchy) Oct 22, 2011 
#16435 Reverse corollary to puzzle # 16424 (just look at the solution) 7 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Nov 19, 2011 
#778 Somewhere in Colorado... 16 Mark Boehmer (mboehmer) Feb 11, 2007 
#1739 "November" (intense & challenging) 8 Nancy Snyder (naneki) Nov  3, 2007 
#1711 LAWN_MOWER 11 asobi (asobi) Nov  6, 2007 
#2196 Precioussss 23 Nancy Snyder (naneki) Jan 18, 2008 
#2257 Star Wars "name that character 1" 19 Nancy Snyder (naneki) Feb  6, 2008 
#2717 lets begin w/ a SMILE !!! (first timer) 15 Anthony M. Trapani (anthony) May  2, 2008 
#3379 Look into my eyes... 19 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Aug 30, 2008 
#3541 I only speak "sign" language 24 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Sep 13, 2008 
#8880 3 joy toney (murtdoll) May 20, 2010 
#10580 Amazeing #9 (See comments for a hint) 6 Mark (mark.jeronimus) Oct  5, 2010 
#10902 Noserubs! 4 Sofia Bergendal (haesselmaas) Nov  2, 2010 
#11370 Eighty Quilt Squares UNEDITED 10 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 18, 2010 
#12282 Don't move a muscle.... 8 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Feb 17, 2011 
#13480 Rakkautta vain 3 Hannes Hotakainen (hegemonia) Apr 19, 2011 
#13544 Playin with a ball of wool 4 Anja A. (missunderztood) Apr 22, 2011 
#15914 a little doodle cause it been so long 7 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Sep 27, 2011 
#15901 Somewhere west of Laramie. 13 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Sep 26, 2011 
#15225 Out Fishing (Please view first comment before puzzling) 23 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Oct 11, 2011 
#16357 Children's Joy 1 David R. Felton (drfelton) Nov 13, 2011 
#19080 Hidden Text 3 Sheri Haemmelmann (Sheri) Jun 22, 2012 
#20058 nbm 3 zczxz (zxczxc) Oct 14, 2012 
#21742 Goes together like.......5a 15 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Apr 20, 2013 
#21815 try tri again 23 Joe (infrapinklizzard) May  6, 2013 
#22792 Gems from Destyny's story books #9. 11 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Sep 19, 2013 
#23290 Aldège's let's go have a baby adventure.. Smile for the camera. 35 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Dec  8, 2013 
#23931 Classic Movie 10 Horace (horace) Feb 27, 2014 
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