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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#6739 Pogo Karate 5 Mike Kam (ZL.oft) Sep 16, 2009 
#6752 Don't fall off of the Edge-v2 24 Gator (gator) Sep 18, 2009 
#6817 Dunk You Very Much 6 James Ravenel (ravenjam3) Sep 27, 2009 
#6884 Pokemon Pikto #003 7 Gator (gator) Oct  6, 2009 
#6886 Pokemon Pikto #005 7 Gator (gator) Oct  6, 2009 
#7060 Shinx (Pokemon) 13 Gator (gator) Nov  4, 2009 
#7000 Arty of Life 6 Ray Star (RazorStar) Oct 25, 2009 
#7025 jeff dunham 7 harris harris (torough4u) Oct 29, 2009 
#7034 jeff dunham 2 5 harris harris (torough4u) Oct 29, 2009 
#7541 Merry Easter Eve 13 amy makasi (amymakasi) Jan  1, 2010 
#7755 crazzy 8 jolene smith (josmith) Feb  8, 2010 
#7860 miau VS. bark 6 giovanni seidner (giovannisei) Feb 18, 2010 
#7921 Colour fun 8 Sally O'Connell (SallyOC) Feb 26, 2010 
#7973 She meets (and falls in love with) his roommate, Alfredo. 13 Linda Martin (ilovethispuzzle123) Mar  6, 2010 
#7987 This is sooo tottaly crazzy! I was two bord! 24 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Mar  9, 2010 
#7990 I hate Kids and Dogs 12 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Mar 10, 2010 
#8599 Of course, of course... 6 B Caldwell (auntbrendac) Apr 27, 2010 
#8718 Like mice, but better (P Series 4) 8 Ray Star (RazorStar) May  6, 2010 
#8805 Howl, Difficult Wolf! (P Series 13) 3 Ray Star (RazorStar) May 13, 2010 
#8818 Curious 38 Teresa K (fasstar) May 14, 2010 
#8948 One of Three 10 Traci Ek (comicdaisy) May 25, 2010 
#9072 Commuter 18 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jun  6, 2010 
#9362 Part of Lucys Family 9 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Jun 26, 2010 
#9494 WCP #62 Finish Line 13 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jul  6, 2010 
#9662 Mainbocher, by Horst 4 Wesley Snyder (wsnyder98) Jul 17, 2010 
#9786 LOTS OF HORSE POWER 2 Carrie Santiago (momtli) Jul 27, 2010 
#10000 Spear Tooth 29 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Dec 11, 2010 
#10315 Fedora 17 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jan 30, 2011 
#10592 "Begin Cheese Acquisition!" [Advanced] 12 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Oct  9, 2010 
#10564 Amazeing #8 5 Mark (mark.jeronimus) Oct  4, 2010 
#10798 Spirts of the Season 4 Kim Barghouti (kimebar.1) Oct 23, 2010 
#11026 new york cristmas 2 zachary richerd morris (sonic123) Nov 14, 2010 
#11243 Suit 13 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Dec 13, 2010 
#11736 Good Morning! 15 Janet (jltho) Jan 12, 2011 
#11791 creeper (by Chris) 18 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Jan 17, 2011 
#11817 Gingham & Calico 13 Janet (jltho) Jan 20, 2011 
#11937 Harry Potter!!! 3 T Rooker (TRooker) Jan 28, 2011 
#11973 Hi Ladies! 9 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jan 30, 2011 
#12029 Feed me! 15 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Feb  2, 2011 
#11995 Twisted. 5 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jan 31, 2011 
#12162 Disastrous! 9 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Feb 11, 2011 
#12453 What a character. 6 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Feb 27, 2011 
#12484 This puzzle may bite! 16 Liz P (lizteach) Mar  3, 2011 
#12509 What a goof. 7 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Mar  2, 2011 
#12758 A friendly game. 9 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Mar 15, 2011 
#12897 Brian's Zoo 3 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar 20, 2011 
#13091 Gus-Gus 13 eset (eset) Mar 31, 2011 
#13328 What a fun day! 4 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Apr 12, 2011 
#13475 Blue 23 ErgoDyne (ergodyne) Apr 19, 2011 
#13564 Happy Easter from the gang. 4 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Apr 23, 2011 
#13838 Going,going,ga,ga....Oh what a dandy snag. 36 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) May 12, 2011 
#13915 My first... 5 FRALEUX (Fraleux) May 15, 2011 
#14149 WCP#84 Beautiful disney character 7 bartek2241 (bartek2241) May 24, 2011 
#14884 Daughter's Design - LLS 21 Gator (gator) Jun 24, 2011 
#14914 Bored at work 1 Nick Fragman (Baxterbix) Jun 25, 2011 
#15730 An unhappy customer. 5 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Sep  3, 2011 
#15741 Ed's motto is...make the customer happy. 9 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Sep  4, 2011 
#15798 Hard Work! 20 Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz71) Sep 11, 2011 
#15805 En Garde! 14 Marie-Louise Ambrey (marz71) Sep 14, 2011 
#15809 Self-Portrait 6 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Sep 12, 2011 
#16279 Code lock - logical solvable by human 19 Marena Sasena (sachama) Nov  5, 2011 
#16393 The Woman in Red 7 Marena Sasena (sachama) Jun  2, 2012 
#33093 Arcade game 6 Hayden Baker Cloud (hcloud) Oct 30, 2019 
#16890 From A to... 17 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 24, 2011 
#16914 A Christmas Gift. 7 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Dec 28, 2011 
#17058 WCP #100 The Poorhouse OS style 24 Tom King (sgusa) Jan  8, 2012 
#17256 NBA - Logo #19 7 Russell Reed (russl722) Jan 21, 2012 
#17318 PCL - Logo #2 9 Russell Reed (russl722) Jan 25, 2012 
#18246 Princesses Part 1 3 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) Apr  9, 2012 
#18458 Ionic Purifier 20 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Dec 19, 2012 
#18828 The reward itself 9 David (Havenstrom) May 31, 2012 
#18928 Flamingo? 6 Carissa Roberts (cmrcbb50286) Jun  8, 2012 
#21719 Bad Day 8 Daniel Prevo (drpre) Apr 18, 2013 
#19467 Aldège's great moving adventure. # 28. A choice discovery. 15 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Aug  5, 2012 
#19581 dead ant.. 21 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Aug 18, 2012 
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