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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#32742 Rowley (The Diary Of a Wimpy Kid) 4 me me (qwertyqwerty) Aug 27, 2019 
#33341 Coming Soon! 7 Gaynor Sorrell (gesorrell) Dec 12, 2019 
#33700 AG Fantasy Pairing III 10 Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) Mar 11, 2020 
#33722 Chiroptera 9 TLEV (tlev) Mar 16, 2020 
#34030 Audio In - AUX 11 Joe (infrapinklizzard) May 13, 2020 
#34133 Je navigue 12 Michel Plourde (micplour) May 25, 2020 
#34170 And life slips by like... 6 Deborah Hall (deb) Jun  3, 2020 
#34242 Little Critter (#1) 8 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) Jun 17, 2020 
#34269 Hypsypops rubicundus 11 TLEV (tlev) Jun 25, 2020 
#34466 Email Address 12 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Sep 10, 2020 
#34659 A-maze-ing Puzzle #1 4 Allie Blake (Allie) Nov  4, 2020 
#34824 Wishbone 12 Bas (Basch) Jan 21, 2021 
#35034 The end is near 12 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Apr 11, 2021 
#35081 the full spectrum, version #2 15 CB Paul (cbpaul) May  4, 2021 
#35155 Offbeat Occupation 6 8 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jun  7, 2021 
#35156 HYBE sucks 4 seulki (sleepground) Jun  6, 2021 
#34845 Math #1 13 seulki (sleepground) Jun  6, 2021 
#35468 A Real Head-Turner 4 Louis Gilbrook (louisgilbrook) Dec 17, 2022 
#35469 Self-Portrait on Acid 4 Louis Gilbrook (louisgilbrook) Jan  8, 2023 
#35591 Happy Birthday ! February 12, 1809 15 ray waleski (enigma) Feb  9, 2022 
#35622 Skill awards, 9-12 10 Andrew Schultz (blurglecruncheon) Mar 16, 2022 
#35645 Fresh baked 10 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Apr 18, 2022 
#35701 Hellvivor S7 Picross 5 5 Tyon Fupa (tyonfupa) May 31, 2022 
#36012 H is for 15 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Oct 24, 2022 
#36287 CARS 10 cathy mcweeney (catty) Jan  1, 2023 
#36334 chains ⛓ 9 cathy mcweeney (catty) Jan 11, 2023 
#36362 Inside the Tower 10 Belita (belita) Jan 19, 2023 
#36747 Proud Mama... 3 Jonathan Wagner (jwagner) Oct 16, 2023 
#36846 Smaller (Maybe Easier?) Version of Recent Movie (One of My All-time Favorites!) 3 BRASH ATAOM (BRASHatAOM) May 24, 2023 
#36878 June 13 is.... 1 BRASH ATAOM (BRASHatAOM) Jun  9, 2023 
#36906 June 23 is.... 0 BRASH ATAOM (BRASHatAOM) Jun 18, 2023 
#36929 Offbeat Occupation #13 6 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jun 25, 2023 
#36950 Whenever You Need Somebody <3 4 darling boy (citrusartlife) Jul  7, 2023 
#36986 Who you gonna call? 5 Lauren Wilkinson (Lauren) Jul 25, 2023 
#37028 Math 4 Lori-Alyn Claster (lclaster) Aug  6, 2023 
#38116 Ice Queen 7 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Dec 26, 2023 
#38231 Lover Boy 7 MichelleMyBell (MISavage) Feb  6, 2024 
#38240 Mr. Sparrow has removed his hat 6 MichelleMyBell (MISavage) Mar 17, 2024 
#38371 Happy Easter Gnomies! 4 MichelleMyBell (MISavage) Mar 19, 2024 
#38413 WCP #181 Shout out to Heike 7 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar 28, 2024 
#38905 bear that is climbing a tree 2 Natalia Pcolova (Natty) Sep 30, 2024 
#38928 First Appearance 4 Phill Ash (phlash) Oct 17, 2024 
#33531 30x28 JAM, Happy Hearts Event, Level 2 2 Lynn Gallihugh (lynnburu) Jan 23, 2020 
#33533 30x30 JAM, Happy Hearts Event, Level 3 1 Lynn Gallihugh (lynnburu) Jan 23, 2020 
#33576 Locust 17 Bananas (Bananas) Feb  1, 2020 
#33729 Pica 8 lala lili lolo (langedrako) Nov 24, 2021 
#33850 Rose 5 Michel Plourde (micplour) Apr  6, 2020 
#34287 Good Golly 13 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Jul  1, 2020 
#34579 Periodic table 92 (an experiment) 13 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Oct 19, 2020 
#34717 Thus Illustrating An Olde Child Ballad -Third Verse 7 Brash Ataom (BRASH) Dec  5, 2020 
#35345 pretty 8 Brianda Jackson (EggtopiaMusic) Sep 10, 2021 
#35366 American Idiom 60 13 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Sep 24, 2021 
#35882 Puzzle #666 7 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Aug  6, 2022 
#36202 pacmaze 5 cathy mcweeney (catty) Dec 10, 2022 
#36239 For gab 5 Iain Macdonald (Ianstagram) Dec 24, 2022 
#36298 Expecto Patronum! 10 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) Jan  2, 2023 
#36444 LADY 12 cathy mcweeney (catty) Feb 19, 2023 
#36457 Palindrome 10a (tough w/o shortcuts) 17 Andrew Schultz (blurglecruncheon) Feb 23, 2023 
#36504 Fractal Iteration #6 - A finale 12 years in the making 3 Joshua Nolan (the jew) Mar  4, 2023 
#36658 Feel Like a Sir 8 Jesse Jones (jjphoto) Apr  6, 2023 
#36940 Kitty 3 6 Kitty Kat (ledeyoung) Aug  8, 2023 
#38222 Breakfast anyone? 12 MichelleMyBell (MISavage) Feb  1, 2024 
#38227 Kick Off Your Shoes and Stay A While 6 MichelleMyBell (MISavage) Feb  3, 2024 
#38693 A bit of shade on a hot beach 3 derby (Derby) Jun 11, 2024 
#38975 Snow 3 Natalia Pcolova (Natty) Nov 19, 2024 
#39037 Great Blue 2 derby (Derby) Dec 21, 2024 
#290 Jackson 28 Jan Wolter (jan) Oct 31, 2005 
#415 Non-brown Betty 21 Susan Spitz (punchy sue) Apr 17, 2006 
#422 April Showers 30 Susan Spitz (punchy sue) Apr 23, 2006 
#428 Fearful Symmetry 43 Dave Tallman (RockSunner) May  6, 2006 
#556 Green Stick 20 Jan Wolter (jan) Oct 23, 2006 
#2967 My kind of fun! 5 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Jun 19, 2008 
#810 cheers! 18 artur jezewski (kleszcz) Apr  4, 2007 
#1619 Neverending Love 8 Nancy Snyder (naneki) Oct 19, 2007 
#863 A land before time 21 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) May  2, 2007 
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