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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#18361 La chat noir 17 stella snajdar (stellas) Apr 18, 2012 
#18509 WCP # 108 Far Out Man. 18 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) May  2, 2012 
#18525 Happy Hunger Games! 8 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) May  3, 2012 
#18555 Hey you guys...what gives with that? 15 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) May  6, 2012 
#18635 The talk did not go well. 14 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) May 13, 2012 
#19454 WARNING THIS PUZZLE MAY BE OFFENSIVE TO SOME...WCP #114 Well hung Warriors. 23 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Aug  3, 2012 
#19552 Why it's! 22 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Aug 14, 2012 
#19637 "I'm so happy"... 9 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Aug 26, 2012 
#19685 take a peek....(tuffy) 13 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Sep  1, 2012 
#19746 Opposite of what the Doobie Brothers sang... 11 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Sep  9, 2012 
#19760 Ben's pal... 15 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Sep 11, 2012 
#19851 A dark night!...part 2 12 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Sep 21, 2012 
#19935 A dark night!...In a city that never sleeps...Episode # 2. 18 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Sep 30, 2012 
#19970 Milkshake 32 David Bouldin (dbouldin) Oct 23, 2012 
#20100 A dark night!...Episode # 2.. A c-mon,not old faithful. 10 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Oct 18, 2012 
#20116 WCP # 120...It was a graveyard smash! 22 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Oct 19, 2012 
#20159 She has no legs... 11 Rita Lebedeva (vitanulka) Oct 23, 2012 
#20510 yet another one... 27 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Dec  1, 2012 
#20833 Gilliam had twelve of them 6 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Jan 17, 2013 
#20910 black and white 9 Niki Cholette (Niki420) Jan 26, 2013 
#21126 who sherlock sits next to in the smoking lounge....(a bugaboo special, but no guessing!) 20 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Feb 15, 2013 
#21347 Dovahkiin 10 Katy B (tollegal) Mar 13, 2013 
#21572 A great game 13 Thibault Ebroussard (Finish) Apr  2, 2013 
#21644 I bet I know where Kurt is. 13 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Apr 12, 2013 
#21699 Out of Breath 15 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Apr 15, 2013 
#30684 It's not contagious 24 Ali Sunrae (sunrae) Jan  7, 2018 
#22059 a certain semi-precious stone...(requires advanced logic) 14 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) May 31, 2013 
#22111 Reruns.#2 10 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jun  8, 2013 
#22189 FOLLOW THE GREEN LINE 5 Byron Walter (papa) Jun 18, 2013 
#22388 Time Travel #2 15 Joshua (jag) Jul 17, 2013 
#22419 WCP # 136...They didn't have the foresight. 13 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jul 23, 2013 
#22516 Puzzle in a Puzzle #2 6 Joseph Newton (Shroomyjoe) Aug  3, 2013 
#22518 night scene....where are we? 21 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Aug  4, 2013 
#22569 Faw"l 2 tomer liron (tomerik15) Aug 11, 2013 
#22622 Blue Power 4 Joseph Newton (Shroomyjoe) Aug 22, 2013 
#22632 The year was 1934. 12 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Aug 22, 2013 
#22664 Yet again more cool things from Destyny's favourite cartoon show..How Mr. Tickle gets to work at the Big Top. 10 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Aug 26, 2013 
#22725 Gems from Destyny's story books #5. 18 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Sep  7, 2013 
#22740 WCP # 139...Patton play toy. 12 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Sep 10, 2013 
#22789 Gems from Destyny's story books #8. 7 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Sep 18, 2013 
#22843 7 up? (several ways to solve, but needs adv-log) 20 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Sep 28, 2013 
#22866 Can you name this band and tune? 7 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Oct  2, 2013 
#22883 Gems from Destyny's cartoon shows #3. 16 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Oct  5, 2013 
#22897 WCP # 140...Daddy,mommy say you got nice wood. 14 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Oct  6, 2013 
#22920 WCP # 140...Nothing says autumn like...(this ones for you Linda) 24 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Oct  8, 2013 
#23057 Aldege's puzzle # 22949 (tweaked for solvability) 19 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Nov  1, 2013 
#23112 Galaxy 17 Shelley Hayes (ahayesyworld) Nov 16, 2013 
#23131 WCP # 142...When I'm thru with you... 19 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Nov 14, 2013 
#23210 AI 4 Andrew Mairose (ajmair01) Nov 24, 2013 
#23288 WCP # 143...Gosh darn Santa... 23 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Dec  3, 2013 
#23393 This is the place I was telling you about... 17 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Dec 21, 2013 
#23447 I sure hope things slow down. 10 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Dec 31, 2013 
#23529 A non cartoon character for Kristen to judge. 18 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jan  9, 2014 
#23616 Cartoon character 12 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jan 19, 2014 
#23688 Great Swiss Mountain Dog v2.0 8 Bryan (Cyclone) Jan 29, 2014 
#23906 Scenes from New Brunswick #4. 11 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Feb 23, 2014 
#23916 WCP#147 - Blah, Blah, Blah... 11 Heather M (AuntieH) Feb 26, 2014 
#23923 If only... 3 Heather M (AuntieH) Feb 26, 2014 
#24052 Just Some Fun 11 Horace (horace) Mar 20, 2014 
#24097 30..Today in history..1937... 17 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Mar 26, 2014 
#24120 WCP #148: Dic-Tater 16 Horace (horace) Mar 28, 2014 
#24162 Famous Dog 10 Horace (horace) Apr  3, 2014 
#24220 Happy Easter... 7 Rita Lebedeva (vitanulka) Apr  9, 2014 
#24247 Bud Spud...The Series...Curious Clues. 16 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Apr 12, 2014 
#24265 Celtic 17... 7 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Apr 15, 2014 
#24282 Charlie Chaplin 5 uzuwave (uzuwave) Apr 18, 2014 
#24284 Girl with Hair Ribbon 19 uzuwave (uzuwave) Apr 19, 2014 
#24287 Take command. 9 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Apr 19, 2014 
#24484 WCP # 150...Cause a man ain't supposed to cry. 15 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) May 14, 2014 
#24510 Oriental Escape 12 Belita (belita) May 19, 2014 
#24513 Sea Dogs Beware! 3 Jessie V (Jepu) May 19, 2014 
#24827 Will it make it a third time? 9 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Jul  8, 2014 
#25197 peace in my town at the moment....(tricky mod look-ahead solve!--hints in first comment) 16 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Aug 16, 2014 
#28076 Star Wars 5 Droptoffee (Droptoffee) May 31, 2016 
#28265 What product does this represent? 6 29 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jul  2, 2016 
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