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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#18848 Tap Master... 4 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jun  1, 2012 
#19290 slogan 2 Melissa T (shortymt20) Jul 11, 2012 
#11511 I'll drink to .... 4 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Dec 20, 2010 
#2387 just a random sign 8 Piron Kimberly (charmed) Mar  7, 2008 
#11498 didn't know you could 13 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Dec 18, 2010 
#2389 she's in pain ! 21 Piron Kimberly (charmed) Mar  7, 2008 
#18934 Make Some Music 3 Dhroov Patel (Bewildering12) Jun  9, 2012 
#6080 Mini ... 18 Jota (jota) Jun 13, 2009 
#4969 Little Alconean #1 44 Mara Alconea (alconea) Feb  9, 2009 
#11512 Quilt-Late to the Party? 4 Alex Klages (metalfoot) Dec 20, 2010 
#19278 firework 3 maxime degrace (maxmax229) Jul 10, 2012 
#2395 chears 7 Piron Kimberly (charmed) Mar  8, 2008 
#2396 you can't drink ofcourse without a ... 13 Piron Kimberly (charmed) Mar  8, 2008 
#19144 fun in the sand 2 cyfartha (roohoo02) Jun 27, 2012 
#11632 Home is where.... 3 Amy Jenkins (amymjenk) Jan  1, 2011 
#19057 Movie title #80? 6 Tom King (sgusa) Jun 19, 2012 
#11616 After the three kittens lost their mittens 13 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Dec 31, 2010 
#11561 to all.. 10 Alicia Snyder (prinny) Dec 24, 2010 
#17569 Keeping it together 3 Greg Swan (gswan) Feb 16, 2012 
#4976 triangle 11 vindersloon (vindersloon) Feb 10, 2009 
#19764 Old School #5 13 Craig Roonan (croonan) Sep 12, 2012 
#19479 SMB1 6 J.D. McLure (cubfan415) Aug  5, 2012 
#11595 Patriotic 6 Jessica Nephew (soccerbucks) Dec 29, 2010 
#11628 h 5 Angie Heath (bewildering18) Jan  1, 2011 
#6098 hi 6 Janel Browning (browningpj) Jun 15, 2009 
#15207 Sarah's US challenge: "This is important; this means something." 11 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Jul 16, 2011 
#19271 WCP #113 - Moon over Homewood 11 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Jul  9, 2012 
#19429 I blot the law... 9 Levi Ross (rhodyboy888) Jul 29, 2012 
#19431 This is completely blotted! 6 Gator (gator) Jul 30, 2012 
#19457 One feline night. 19 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Aug  4, 2012 
#11442 Quilt 4 janet kennedy (jlgoose) Dec 16, 2010 
#15235 Calvary 7 Sharon Underkoffler (shar71) Jul 18, 2011 
#3636 Happy New Year ... 10 Jota (Jota) Sep 24, 2008 
#11624 Ultimate Coinage 12 Kylie :) (misty) Dec 31, 2010 
#4983 A fruit # 3 5 Amanda Egeskov Hald (MInimanta) Feb 10, 2009 
#11598 Wanna play a game of... 17 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 29, 2010 
#19469 3 Course Dinner #3 8 Marie Jeanne (Alleycat) Aug  5, 2012 
#19607 My favorite candy 10 Jared Dillon (dillpickle) Aug 21, 2012 
#15312 MS Office 2 2 Kevin S (KevinS) Jul 26, 2011 
#8717 From the heart. 5 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) May  6, 2010 
#19657 My Success 22 Kim (kjh) Aug 27, 2012 
#15336 And the child that is born on the Sabbath day 6 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jul 31, 2011 
#11098 Sinterklaas 12 ik (ik) Nov 21, 2010 
#6130 wax 4 Emily Brown (WallyBobo) Jun 20, 2009 
#19411 London icon 17 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jul 27, 2012 
#6132 Flag Israel 12 giora (giora) Jun 20, 2009 
#18602 As minimalist as I could get it 14 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) May 10, 2012 
#3372 Careful where you stick that thing! 40 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Aug 29, 2008 
#13720 Vintage TV Shows 20 6 Trish (tryingmysoul) May  2, 2011 
#12909 My Small Animal 3 13 Kristen Maria (coco4484) Mar 20, 2011 
#12960 Mr. B # 22 Clue #1 18 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Mar 22, 2011 
#13200 This Kat is strutting tonight! 15 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Apr  5, 2011 
#12943 SMILE 3 benny (benny) Mar 21, 2011 
#12907 My Small Animal 1 11 Kristen Maria (coco4484) Mar 20, 2011 
#12937 Not-so-small creature 7 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Mar 21, 2011 
#5163 hello there 15 123 123 123 (ice cream!) Feb 28, 2009 
#12929 "Small" animal 14 Kit E. Katz (hello) Mar 21, 2011 
#13050 Folding Clothes 9 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Mar 27, 2011 
#12923 small animal eight 6 annalivia (annalivia) Mar 21, 2011 
#9252 posture is important 9 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jun 17, 2010 
#4398 Killer App 12 K Chouinard (codenumerator) Dec 16, 2008 
#9271 How's this good morning? 9 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jun 18, 2010 
#5171 flying high. 13 Georgia Wren (teachno11) Feb 28, 2009 
#12912 Small Animal 24 8 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar 20, 2011 
#6797 My First Puzzle 20 Gator (gator) Sep 25, 2009 
#12913 SMALL animal 10 Jaime Lee (huileehui) Mar 20, 2011 
#5166 flag 4 Pam Negri (pamnegri) Feb 28, 2009 
#9215 WHAT?????? 10 Angie Heath (bewildering14) Jun 15, 2010 
#2700 Cockroach 7 isabel boccalini (belibt) Apr 27, 2008 
#2701 Brazil 5 isabel boccalini (belibt) Apr 27, 2008 
#13046 Dee's safe place 9 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Mar 26, 2011 
#9226 flick 4 aliza glatter (cisv247) Jun 15, 2010 
#2704 Santos 15 isabel boccalini (belibt) Apr 28, 2008 
#12953 Mr. B Announcement !! 13 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Mar 22, 2011 
#2707 My First Try 30 Ellen Ritchie (emritchie) Apr 29, 2008 
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