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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#14953 Two Fragrant Friends 8 Georgia Johns (georgia) Jun 29, 2011 
#4175 Ouch! Pixel Mystery For #4173 12 Teresa K (fasstar) Nov 28, 2008 
#15193 Sarah's Contest: Between The Rockies & The Mississippi 5 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jul 15, 2011 
#14889 the ocean, for maggie 5 Georgia Johns (georgia) Jun 25, 2011 
#15030 Another nutty puzzle 10 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul  1, 2011 
#14891 One last tool 7 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jun 24, 2011 
#7118 No lifting required 5 AT (at1213) Nov 14, 2009 
#14746 Word of the Day: Lancinate 5 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun 18, 2011 
#14902 Classic Toy. 9 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jun 24, 2011 
#4262 for your floors only 9 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Dec  9, 2008 
#3473 Close-up #14 14 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Sep  8, 2008 
#15110 Think inside the Picture contest 2 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Jul  8, 2011 
#7079 <3 8 abby (bingo) Nov  7, 2009 
#14754 The True Start of Baseball 8 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jun 18, 2011 
#15050 Inside Sarah's Box 2 Trish (tryingmysoul) Jul  2, 2011 
#14996 What Space Truckers Haul 8 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 24, 2011 
#15060 moon eyes 8 Georgia Johns (georgia ) Jul  3, 2011 
#15443 M:TG Exp. 14 12 Gator (gator) Aug  4, 2011 
#15158 For Destyny 16 Joel Lynn (furface1) Jul 12, 2011 
#15125 Sarah's Picture 1 Jota (jota) Jul  9, 2011 
#5067 This is Fun! Won't you Join me? 6 Rosea (dead-roses) Feb 15, 2009 
#15212 Where I was this week 8 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jul 16, 2011 
#15082 xxxxxxxxxxx xx x xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx x x xxxx x 23 zac (zacsonic230) Jul  4, 2011 
#7036 :-) 7 iklo (iklo) Oct 30, 2009 
#15092 the winner of What's In The Box is 12 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Jul  5, 2011 
#15342 MS Office 3 2 Kevin S (KevinS) Jul 28, 2011 
#2177 more Rebus *1* 14 Dana Schwartz (Dana.1) Jan 15, 2008 
#2178 more Rebus *2* 7 Dana Schwartz (Dana.1) Jan 15, 2008 
#3515 Beautiful country 2 Lucilla Schiaffino (guspilla) Nov 13, 2008 
#3513 Close-up #21 18 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Sep 11, 2008 
#15378 fun game 7 catelyn jones (catelyn) Jul 30, 2011 
#15118 New addition 10 Kathy Van Stone (kathyvs) Jul  8, 2011 
#2179 more Rebus *3* 10 Dana Schwartz (Dana.1) Jan 16, 2008 
#14853 Tra-la-la #3 17 Maggie Johns (Magginni) Jun 22, 2011 
#5164 hay there 4 123 123 123 (ice cream!) Feb 28, 2009 
#5071 Ouch! 9 Rosea (dead-roses) Feb 16, 2009 
#5073 Smiley Face 4 David Maluf (monkeydave) Feb 16, 2009 
#2193 A Fun Activity (IMAGINATIVE RECOLORING NEEDED) 22 Andrew Baker (wvgamer7) Jan 17, 2008 
#14751 Beginnings of baseball! 17 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jun 18, 2011 
#9585 Hiding.... 10 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul 12, 2010 
#15329 Happy 0 Jonah Anderson (Awesomeness) Jul 27, 2011 
#14910 red rose 3 Georgia Johns (georgia) Jun 25, 2011 
#15188 my first. 14 ik (ik) Jul 15, 2011 
#15184 Think inside the US competition 14 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Jul 14, 2011 
#15281 A 60 Corvett for you Aldege...solve this one. 8 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul 24, 2011 
#15380 What's in the sandbox #5? 5 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jul 30, 2011 
#15312 MS Office 2 2 Kevin S (KevinS) Jul 26, 2011 
#10380 Song Title #9 7 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Sep 16, 2010 
#15370 What's in the sandbox #2? 11 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jul 30, 2011 
#15258 Pyramid Path 2 Christopher Prince (RThunder72) Jul 21, 2011 
#15274 Que hora es? 22 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul 23, 2011 
#5117 WC # 24 Invalid entry 13 Jota (jota) Feb 21, 2009 
#15346 Slang for money 13 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jul 28, 2011 
#4198 For important papers ... 9 Jota (Jota) Dec  1, 2008 
#15480 M:TG Exp. 16 1 Gator (gator) Aug  8, 2011 
#15316 A fin 4 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul 27, 2011 
#3982 home sweet home 5 Tonya Keegan (broncos1018) Nov  7, 2008 
#15293 Our thoughts goes to 8 karen borchersen (moster) Jul 25, 2011 
#15418 Tom's 15416 spoiler 13 Jota (jota) Aug  2, 2011 
#15338 car 2 Unavailable (MagsterJP) Jul 28, 2011 
#5107 tree 4 Pam Negri (pamnegri) Feb 21, 2009 
#15357 M:TG Exp. 10 2 Gator (gator) Jul 29, 2011 
#15779 sunny day 4 Georgia Johns (georgia) Sep  8, 2011 
#15496 Blow hard 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 24, 2011 
#14789 Kitchen Utensil #5 6 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jun 20, 2011 
#3975 That's ... 12 Alex Klages (metalfoot) Nov  7, 2008 
#15402 Greek puzzle 6 6 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Aug  1, 2011 
#15481 M:TG Exp. 17 2 Gator (gator) Aug  8, 2011 
#13654 Band name #28. 9 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Apr 28, 2011 
#15609 the right direction 9 Bart Henning (blazers67) Aug 21, 2011 
#4906 valentine day coming up 11 vindersloon (vindersloon) Feb  2, 2009 
#10221 Post WCP 66: The First Easiest Puzzle Ever (Press S)! 18 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Sep  6, 2010 
#14787 Kitchen Utensil #3 3 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jun 20, 2011 
#4228 Apple, Pumpkin, Pecan, or Banana Cream 9 K Chouinard (codenumerator) Dec  5, 2008 
#2262 Rock Man 15 Phil Cudlob (redskinsfan21) Feb  7, 2008 
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