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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#20435 How to make a clean Thanksgiving puzzle? 10 Tom King (sgusa) Nov 20, 2012 
#20438 Had enough yet? 16 Norma Dee (norm0908) Nov 21, 2012 
#20443 GPS Directions 10 Norma Dee (norm0908) Nov 21, 2012 
#20450 Not my father 12 Alasdair Morrison (AllyMo) Nov 22, 2012 
#20460 D 2 - Well, hello there. 11 Norma Dee (norm0908) Nov 24, 2012 
#20480 The Walrus 10 Alasdair Morrison (allymo) Nov 27, 2012 
#20512 D 13 - Gee whiz. I'll never get done. 12 Norma Dee (norm0908) Dec  2, 2012 
#20517 And the ACC Champion is... 13 Tom King (sgusa) Dec  1, 2012 
#20518 What is an average puzzle in Quality and Difficulty? 83 Tom King (sgusa) Dec  2, 2012 
#20521 The best gift (children) 15 Dave Oas (khpdave) Dec  2, 2012 
#20530 D 16 - I hope none of these are breakable. 9 Norma Dee (norm0908) Dec  4, 2012 
#20532 wait for me, guys! I don't like to travel alone at night... 11 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Dec  3, 2012 
#20539 D 17 - I'll be through with my chores as soon as I take this firewood inside. 7 Norma Dee (norm0908) Dec  4, 2012 
#20547 My work hat (V.2 - a bit harder) 16 Dave Oas (khpdave) Dec  6, 2012 
#20525 Honey, where did I leave my pitchfork? 9 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec  7, 2012 
#20549 Sing along with the letterman family! 18 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Dec  7, 2012 
#20576 I'm rolling.... 11 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Dec  8, 2012 
#20579 run run, as fast as you can.... 7 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Dec  8, 2012 
#20580 a fruitful day... 11 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Dec  8, 2012 
#20597 Stuck on stupid. 8 Norma Dee (norm0908) Dec 12, 2012 
#20599 D 29 - It snowed all night. 13 Norma Dee (norm0908) Dec 14, 2012 
#20639 WCP#123...Stuck again. 17 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Dec 18, 2012 
#20645 D 38 - More supplies. 14 Norma Dee (norm0908) Dec 19, 2012 
#20647 And so it continued both day and night 12 Bruce Yanoshek (yanogator) Dec 18, 2012 
#20661 D 43 - I need somebody to help me. 15 Norma Dee (norm0908) Dec 23, 2012 
#20668 BOOHOO 49ers 10 Tom King (sgusa) Dec 23, 2012 
#20671 oh, don't be such a Nag! 11 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Dec 25, 2012 
#20672 Me and Mary Jane. 8 Norma Dee (norm0908) Dec 25, 2012 
#20673 frajeely.... 14 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Dec 25, 2012 
#20676 D 46 - I have good news for you. 5 Norma Dee (norm0908) Dec 27, 2012 
#20702 OK segusa, your turn to guess. 9 Norma Dee (norm0908) Dec 30, 2012 
#20701 Mama Always Told Me: LFTSL! 14 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 30, 2012 
#20704 2nd for segusa 31 Norma Dee (norm0908) Dec 30, 2012 
#20706 3rd for sgusa 14 Norma Dee (norm0908) Dec 30, 2012 
#20707 Movie title #118? (Thanks, Aldege) 8 Tom King (sgusa) Dec 30, 2012 
#20709 Romance 4 Morningdove (morningdove3202) Dec 31, 2012 
#20717 6th 20X a movie 12 Norma Dee (norm0908) Dec 31, 2012 
#20732 10th 20X movie 5 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2013 
#20733 9th 20X movie 15 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  1, 2013 
#20746 #14 20X movie 7 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  2, 2013 
#20749 Idea #1 fine for Aldege's Challenge 16 Tom King (sgusa) Jan  2, 2013 
#20764 Still trying to figure this out for Aldege Challenge #6 10 Tom King (sgusa) Jan  3, 2013 
#23551 No. 26 - Two words from one 9 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 10, 2014 
#20769 #20 20X movie 35 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  4, 2013 
#20778 Name the opera. 18 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  5, 2013 
#20781 Opera III 18 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  5, 2013 
#20782 one more movie for ya to guess... 13 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Jan  5, 2013 
#20786 #23 20X Movie 12 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  5, 2013 
#20800 8th 20x20...song and artist 11 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jan  7, 2013 
#20804 #30 20X movie 27 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan  8, 2013 
#20805 splat! 18 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Jan  8, 2013 
#20823 Precious Moments 7 Michelle Ramieri (Puzzlegeek) Jan  9, 2013 
#20832 #33 movie 19 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 11, 2013 
#20835 #34 movie 18 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 11, 2013 
#20858 #36 movie 12 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 13, 2013 
#20859 #37 movie 5 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 13, 2013 
#20860 #38 movie 9 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 13, 2013 
#20885 WCP #124- Winter Necessity 12 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jan 16, 2013 
#20934 Mr. 1 Karen Friede (digininja02) Jan 21, 2013 
#20928 WCP #124 The solution 19 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 20, 2013 
#20935 Am I on Mars? 0 Karen Friede (digininja02) Jan 21, 2013 
#20895 Meanwhile, back in Cholletteville... 4 Tom King (sgusa) Jan 17, 2013 
#20911 #40 movie 15 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 18, 2013 
#20907 Phoenix Open since 2009 6 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 18, 2013 
#20961 For my mom 5 Lisa D (dvorli) Jan 24, 2013 
#24496 The Magic Flute 1. (by Ann) 0 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) May 16, 2014 
#20975 Gone 8 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 26, 2013 
#21803 Messed up saying 2 10 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Apr 24, 2013 
#20990 Red or White? 4 janet kennedy (jlgoose) Jan 28, 2013 
#21005 B7 - All dressed up. 7 Norma Dee (norm0908) Jan 30, 2013 
#21009 Doodle dude 5 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jan 31, 2013 
#21019 #41 Movie 11 Norma Dee (norm0908) Feb  1, 2013 
#21039 Fable 13 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Feb  3, 2013 
#21055 Illegal WCP #126 - Medical suspension! 5 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Feb  6, 2013 
#21065 WCP # 126 LA in my rear view mirror 9 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Feb  7, 2013 
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