Web Paint-by-Number Forums

General Discussion Topics
id title comments author create date    
#1018 Is Aldege gone? 3 derby (Derby) Sep 29, 2018 
#1019 Aldege's story 34 Norma Dee (norm0908) Oct  9, 2018 
#1020 iPad glitch 5 Jill Tallmer (Yidl) Dec 10, 2018 
#1021 That's Weird! 27 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 24, 2018 
#1022 Should this forum e-mail comments to people? 16 Valerie Mates (valerie) Jan  2, 2019 
#1023 Beware - E-mail Scam 4 Bryan (Cyclone) Feb 27, 2019 
#1024 Concerns about copyright 23 Teresa K (fasstar) Aug 15, 2019 
#1025 Planning additions to the site 110 Valerie Mates (valerie) Jan 19, 2020 
#1026 Discussion about site guidelines 18 Valerie Mates (valerie) Feb  6, 2020 
#1027 New puzzles 3 Norma Dee (norm0908) Mar 11, 2020 
#1028 More problems with new puzzles 5 Norma Dee (norm0908) Mar 11, 2020 
#1029 Trouble publishing 33797 3 Norma Dee (norm0908) Apr  2, 2020 
#1030 forum problems 3 Norma Dee (norm0908) Apr  2, 2020 
#1031 It's stuck 12 Norma Dee (norm0908) May 17, 2020 
#1032 wet paint brush conundrum 8 filton grebssorg (ahn-ree cat) (filtberg) May 22, 2020 
#1033 Print Puzzles 2 Mary Thomas (marleethom) Jun 14, 2020 
#1034 Thanks to all the Puzzle Makers 2 Mary Thomas (marleethom) Jun 14, 2020 
#1035 Deleted comments for four puzzles 1 Valerie Mates (valerie) Aug  9, 2020 
#1036 Back button stopped working 8 filton grebssorg (ahn-ree cat) (filtberg) Aug 25, 2020 
#1037 Pondering puzzles on the front page 12 Valerie Mates (valerie) Mar 17, 2021 
#1038 Finding puzzles by keywords 3 AM (adrian) Jun  2, 2021 
#1039 Hard to solve puzzle #6282 10 AM (adrian) Jun 13, 2021 
#1040 Publishing a book? 3 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Jul 13, 2021 
#1041 Older Puzzles I Created Seem To Be Gone (Gulp?) 5 BRASH ATAOM (BRASHatAOM) Dec 21, 2021 
#1042 Nickname 3 filton grebssorg (ahn-ree cat) (filtberg) Dec 28, 2021 
#1043 Change Nickname 2 filton grebssorg (ahn-ree cat) (filtberg) Dec 29, 2021 
#1044 Disappearing comments 16 Norma Dee (norm0908) Feb  1, 2022 
#1045 Happy Birthday WebPBN 16 Valerie Mates (valerie) Mar 24, 2022 
#1046 Getting Past Seasonal Puzzles on the Featured List 2 BRASH ATAOM (BRASHatAOM) Apr  5, 2022 
#1047 Logic abbreviations in FAQ perhaps 4 Gator (gator) Apr 12, 2022 
#1048 Bug with printing 8 Karen Scholl (karenttrouble) Apr 17, 2022 
#1049 restored puzzles 11 Norma Dee (norm0908) May 23, 2022 
#1050 Error message 3 Norma Dee (norm0908) May 26, 2022 
#1051 Distinguishing between blue and black clues 35 Gator (gator) Jul  6, 2022 
#1052 New staging site 1 Valerie Mates (valerie) Jul 10, 2022 
#1053 Problem Serching Users 8 Susan Silver (ssilver61) Jul 11, 2022 
#1054 Restoring stats for the restored puzzles 11 Valerie Mates (valerie) Aug 13, 2022 
#1055 Tectonic puzzles 8 Valerie Mates (valerie) Dec 18, 2022 
#1056 Printing Problems 2 Reb Thomas (rebbers) Dec 31, 2022 
#1057 Rules 7 Koldin Banks (Pizzaheadnascar22) Jan  5, 2023 
#1058 Thinking about descriptions of recovered puzzles 11 Valerie Mates (valerie) Jan 16, 2023 
#1059 help wanted 3 ray waleski (enigma) Jan 31, 2023 
#1060 Cruel Comments in a Politicized Puzzle 2 BRASH ATAOM (BRASHatAOM) Apr 13, 2023 
#1061 Users tab 5 Ed Donahue (edzoid) Apr 15, 2023 
#1062 In Favor of "Fill-in Puzzles (iow, No White Squares) 17 BRASH ATAOM (BRASHatAOM) Apr 20, 2023 
#1063 Background color 2 BRASH ATAOM (BRASHatAOM) Jun 18, 2023 
#1064 Anyone here? 11 Corrine (guffy192) Jun 19, 2023 
#1065 Extra lines 11 William Durham (PoorColdBoy ) Jun 26, 2023 
#1066 Aldege NEWS 8 Jota (jota) Nov 15, 2023 
#1067 Author variety in the list of Recently Published Puzzles 37 Valerie Mates (valerie) Nov 30, 2023 
#1068 Thinking about discussions about politics 6 Valerie Mates (valerie) Feb 16, 2024 
#1069 WebPBN's twentieth birthday is coming 17 Valerie Mates (valerie) Mar 15, 2024 
#1070 Who of the active players have been here the longest? 28 Valerie Mates (valerie) Mar 24, 2024 
#1071 New challenge? 3 N. Franklin (kaytris) May  5, 2024 
#1072 Contact information? 1 Valerie Mates (valerie) May  7, 2024 
#1073 Making the forum work better for new users 12 Valerie Mates (valerie) May  7, 2024 
Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#8540 crass word 13 Megan McVaugh (molly4567) Apr 23, 2010 
#7951 all dark 15 desirae carpenter (pinkrider) Mar  2, 2010 
#7183 easy super easy 9 Ellen Ritchie (emritchie) Nov 23, 2009 
#7786 magic 17 Hanna Graver (roodies2cool) Feb  9, 2010 
#7195 what do you see? 33 Ellen Ritchie (emritchie) Nov 24, 2009 
#7512 chekers 15 jordan gibson (cosmo123) Dec 28, 2009 
#4446 WC #17 Dreamy 30 m2 (mercymercy) Dec 19, 2008 
#7753 anwser in first spoter 7 person harris (games1793) Feb  8, 2010 
#7953 all colors 32 desirae carpenter (pinkrider) Mar  2, 2010 
#4934 now where is that x? 5 Ellen Ritchie (emritchie) Feb  5, 2009 
#7483 MY EYES HURT. 10 Catherine Bergmann (acesbutterfly88) Dec 22, 2009 
#6455 # 40 WCP ... It's not rocket science ... 23 Jota (jota) Aug  6, 2009 
#8502 blocks?! 4 frederic francis (Law Dragon) May 19, 2010 
#8219 the miss match 7 megan hery (BlueSnowyRose) Mar 31, 2010 
#7302 the year of 09 2 Hanna Graver (roodies2cool) Dec  2, 2009 
#3846 The hardest puzzle ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 22 Rachel Clune (rebecca) Oct 22, 2008 
#3329 red 91 person harris (games1793) Aug 24, 2008 
#7564 13 aaaa (4xaa) Jan  6, 2010 
#7755 crazzy 8 jolene smith (josmith) Feb  8, 2010 
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