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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#33080 Fire! Let's yelp for help 5 Vanessa Spillner (MrsSpille) Oct 25, 2019 
#33119 Where I would like to live 10 Christian Heckmann Engelbrecht (CEngelbrecht) Nov  3, 2019 
#33252 The Historian 1 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec  5, 2019 
#33278 40th Anniversary 5 Thomas Genuine (Genuine) Nov 30, 2019 
#33299 You don't know jack 14 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec  3, 2019 
#33320 Angry Jewish Mob 4 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec  6, 2019 
#33325 Three Magus 4 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 24, 2019 
#33331 The Lost Eisenmann 6 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 21, 2019 
#33335 Romanian Nobility 6 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 18, 2019 
#33358 Lonesome Gunslinger #2/ Uomo Senza Nome 3 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 26, 2019 
#33404 4th day 11 Belita (belita) Dec 28, 2019 
#33419 6th day 6 Belita (belita) Dec 30, 2019 
#33420 7th day 8 Belita (belita) Dec 31, 2019 
#33453 not Totoro 17 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Jan 12, 2020 
#33588 A puzzle pun (redux) 6 Steve Smith (superhunnybear) Feb  3, 2020 
#33700 AG Fantasy Pairing III 10 Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) Mar 11, 2020 
#33715 Cracker eater? 9 Steve Smith (superhunnybear) Mar 14, 2020 
#33717 Ailurus 10 lala lili lolo (langedrako) Mar 15, 2020 
#33764 Tigre rugissant 18 Michel Plourde (micplour) Mar 23, 2020 
#33783 Tent in Quarantine - Oh! 8 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Mar 29, 2020 
#33934 Calimero 4 Michel Plourde (micplour) Apr 20, 2020 
#33941 Drakkar 5 Michel Plourde (micplour) Apr 22, 2020 
#33959 Lune 5 Michel Plourde (micplour) Apr 26, 2020 
#33970 Ernie - Sesame Street 6 Michel Plourde (micplour) Apr 28, 2020 
#33999 Heavy metal 4 Michel Plourde (micplour) May  4, 2020 
#34011 Sounds About Right 3 11 Joe (infrapinklizzard) May  6, 2020 
#34020 Motocycliste 3 Michel Plourde (micplour) May  7, 2020 
#34051 YALO 2 Joe (infrapinklizzard) May 14, 2020 
#34104 Meuh! 13 Michel Plourde (micplour) May 19, 2020 
#34106 Illumination 9 9 Joe (infrapinklizzard) May 19, 2020 
#34110 EE! 10 Joe (infrapinklizzard) May 21, 2020 
#34136 Cryptic Puzzle 42 8 Joe (infrapinklizzard) May 25, 2020 
#34155 APB 13 Joe (infrapinklizzard) May 28, 2020 
#34157 Eight is great! 3 Erin B (eaob) May 30, 2020 
#34287 Good Golly 13 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Jul  1, 2020 
#34349 Époque des chevaliers 1 Michel Plourde (micplour) Jul 27, 2020 
#34381 Une Graine de Chêne 18 Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) Aug  6, 2020 
#34377 Règne animal 6 Michel Plourde (micplour) Aug  5, 2020 
#34403 Uncharted 16 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Aug 18, 2020 
#34432 Cerulean Sea 17 Belita (belita) Aug 26, 2020 
#34466 Email Address 12 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Sep 10, 2020 
#34562 Fixing #2712 12 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Oct 10, 2020 
#34615 Patriotic insect 13 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Oct 24, 2020 
#35113 Tom Swifty #16 9 Joe (infrapinklizzard) May 20, 2021 
#34759 Simple Pix 20 15 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) Dec 26, 2020 
#34766 Not Doughnuts 4 Yonah Kondor (yokon965) Dec 29, 2020 
#34770 Moon Shot 7 Yonah Kondor (yokon965) Dec 30, 2020 
#34814 Private... 11 gregg licht (lgreg) Jan 18, 2021 
#34824 Wishbone 12 Bas (Basch) Jan 21, 2021 
#34856 You Learn Something New Everyday 24 Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) Feb  1, 2021 
#34864 Why you little... 8 derby (Derby) Feb  7, 2021 
#35132 Offbeat Occupation 1 10 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jun  6, 2021 
#35150 Anytime Anywhere II 9 CB Paul (cbpaul) Jun  4, 2021 
#35155 Offbeat Occupation 6 8 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jun  7, 2021 
#35161 The Other Brother 3 AB (poop32) Jun 10, 2021 
#35175 Offbeat Occupation 8 8 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jun 21, 2021 
#36316 Mythical Beauty 5 Reb Thomas (rebbers) Jan  6, 2023 
#35408 The greatest Nintendo Hero 10 Emimonster (Emimonster) Oct 20, 2021 
#35443 Calocitta 7 lala lili lolo (langedrako) Nov 25, 2021 
#35457 Mail packages early 10 Belita (belita) Dec  4, 2021 
#35510 Dryocopus 12 lala lili lolo (langedrako) Dec 30, 2021 
#35528 Not the briar patch! 10 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Jan 15, 2022 
#35548 Animal term #7 12 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 22, 2022 
#35561 By any other name would smell as sweet - easier version 10 derby (Derby) Jan 25, 2022 
#35602 Offbeat Occupation #11 5 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jun 25, 2023 
#35609 Unchained Melody 13 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Feb 27, 2022 
#35642 Q. What do you get 16 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Apr 11, 2022 
#35825 July 25 is.... 2 BRASH ATAOM (BRASHatAOM) Jul 22, 2022 
#35869 0 Years Ago Today 12 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Aug  1, 2022 
#38098 Do you know who it is? 7 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) Dec 14, 2023 
#36362 Inside the Tower 10 Belita (belita) Jan 19, 2023 
#38423 WCP #181 Sharon Calkins 6 Steve (StevieB) Mar 30, 2024 
#36863 Awaken the Wind 2 Tom Otero (lockebyproxy) Jun  5, 2023 
#36913 2000 Universal Pictures 0 Kitty Kat (ledeyoung) Dec 21, 2023 
#36915 2018 Illumination 1 Kitty Kat (ledeyoung) Dec 22, 2023 
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