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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#24050 Rise to the occasion... 15 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Mar 20, 2014 
#24051 Get hooked... 19 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Mar 20, 2014 
#24062 Pick up/drop off... 17 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Mar 21, 2014 
#24093 Crank it! 11 Belita (belita) Mar 25, 2014 
#24127 WCP # 148...The D-Six... 19 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Mar 29, 2014 
#24221 :) 8 Rita Lebedeva (vitanulka) Apr  9, 2014 
#24255 Burning Hot Bad Boy 8 Belita (belita) Apr 12, 2014 
#24268 34..Today in history..1968... 19 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Apr 15, 2014 
#24287 Take command. 9 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Apr 19, 2014 
#24324 Creature in the Kitchen 20 David Bouldin (dbouldin) Apr 26, 2014 
#24351 Desire 4 Zha (spiffyzha) Apr 30, 2014 
#24429 Now we're rolling... 15 valerie o..travis (bigblue) May  8, 2014 
#24510 Oriental Escape 12 Belita (belita) May 19, 2014 
#24587 What every child needs 15 Belita (belita) May 26, 2014 
#1569 Big 12 #5 8 Craig Mellen (cmellen) Jun  7, 2014 
#24985 Viva la revolución! 11 manuel (manuel) Jul  1, 2014 
#25051 Woo Hoo Mama 13 Pam (RhiannonA) Jul  8, 2014 
#31187 Keeping doctors away since the dawn of time 8 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) May 11, 2018 
#28129 Melies 5 Eva (Schmeedle) Dec 30, 2019 
#28267 Second Picture 9 Belita (belita) Jul  5, 2016 
#28476 57..Today in history..1775... 15 valerie o..travis (bigblue) Jul 26, 2016 
#28570 Restored #27651 Illegal WCP #178 - Remember this guy? 10 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Aug 15, 2016 
#28589 Petit Poucet 8 Belita (belita) Aug 19, 2016 
#28592 Le jardin féerique 8 Belita (belita) Aug 19, 2016 
#28686 Beethoven's biggest fan 13 Eva (Schmeedle) Sep 12, 2016 
#28702 Mr. Wuf 2 Kristen B (southernmama) Sep  4, 2016 
#28889 Hobbies that make you smarter #8 24 Teresa K (fasstar) Oct 13, 2016 
#28969 Hitting stores October 1st 16 Jeanette K (cuddlebearjay) Oct 25, 2016 
#29076 Deadpool 5 Darah Garrett (darah34) Nov 13, 2016 
#29149 Eyes in the Night 6 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Nov 27, 2016 
#29159 The mouse that rule the world 5 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) Nov 29, 2016 
#29218 Oz 1 12 KAREN (KBCE) Dec 15, 2016 
#29220 Oz 3 18 KaReN (KBCE) Dec 15, 2016 
#29295 Oz 6 9 KaReN (KBCE) Jan  3, 2017 
#29620 A winter scene 11 derby (Derby) Apr  9, 2017 
#29621 If I had my pick. 11 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Apr 28, 2017 
#29681 Don't eat them! 12 Belita (belita) Apr 13, 2017 
#29689 Something for Easter 13 derby (Derby) Apr 14, 2017 
#29692 Lunch time 8 derby (Derby) Apr 16, 2017 
#29714 Wish you were here 7 derby (Derby) Apr 22, 2017 
#29767 Post-holiday decoration 8 Belita (belita) Apr 30, 2017 
#29778 Take a load off 8 derby (Derby) May  4, 2017 
#29782 Travelling Space and Time 7 Louis Gilbrook (LouisGilbrook) May 20, 2017 
#29807 Happy Mother's Day! 10 Ali Sunrae (sunrae) May 12, 2017 
#29808 Just have patience 10 Ali Sunrae (sunrae) May 12, 2017 
#29820 Forest Friend 9 Ali Sunrae (sunrae) May 15, 2017 
#29870 Who? Who? 13 Ali Sunrae (sunrae) May 26, 2017 
#29908 Sweetie 22 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Jun 25, 2017 
#29927 Nightowls, Yuppies, Capitalists 5 Ali Sunrae (sunrae) Jun 21, 2017 
#30651 Bringing home to trim 7 Deborah Hall (deb) Dec 17, 2017 
#30038 Cartoon Character II 8 Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) Jul 28, 2017 
#30043 Bamboozled 17 Ali Sunrae (sunrae) Jul 30, 2017 
#30044 Cartoon Character IV 6 Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) Aug  1, 2017 
#30111 Smile! 16 Robyn Broyles (Scivias) Aug 20, 2017 
#30112 Jammin' 9 Ali Sunrae (sunrae) Sep  5, 2017 
#30171 A Nice Set of Pipes 18 Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) Sep 10, 2017 
#30183 A Happy Friend 8 Koreen (mom24plus) Sep 12, 2017 
#30200 Hear ye, hear ye! 10 Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) Sep 18, 2017 
#30210 Take... 14 Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) Sep 25, 2017 
#30215 Shatter Me 8 Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) Sep 28, 2017 
#30468 Micrastur 12 lala lili lolo (langedrako) Nov  3, 2017 
#30464 Ouroboros 13 Robyn Broyles (Scivias) Nov  4, 2017 
#30526 One Last Look 15 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Nov 26, 2017 
#30625 The Star of Betlehem... 6 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Dec 12, 2017 
#30647 Tree trimming? 4 Deborah Hall (deb) Dec 17, 2017 
#30673 Run, Run 8 Liz P (lizteach) Dec 23, 2017 
#30720 A Classic 5 Sarah St. Hilaire (donihee) Jan 14, 2018 
#30881 It's not a demon - really! 12 Belita (belita) Feb 17, 2018 
#31029 Fossil #2 2 Jim Bumgardner (krazydad) Apr  1, 2018 
#31077 Saving for a rainy day, babe? 6 Louis Gilbrook (LouisGilbrook) Apr 16, 2018 
#31208 Who likes turtles? 17 sanane samanye (maceraseven) May 14, 2018 
#31210 Favorite Flower 6 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) May 14, 2018 
#33609 Notharchus 11 lala lili lolo (langedrako) Feb 23, 2020 
#31284 A.G. State Rhyme I 7 Aurelian Ginkgo (AurelianGinkgo) May 30, 2018 
#31289 In memoriam 7 sanane samanye (maceraseven) May 31, 2018 
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