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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#33411 Fun With Anagrams - Semester Break 7 Teresa K (fasstar) Dec 28, 2019 
#33424 8th day 5 Belita (belita) Jan  1, 2020 
#33427 Early Childhood Education 6 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Jan  2, 2020 
#33428 Day something-or-other: I've lost track 11 Belita (belita) Jan  2, 2020 
#33429 Another day! 10 Belita (belita) Jan  3, 2020 
#33458 Fun With Anagrams - Mamooth 10 Teresa K (fasstar) Jan 14, 2020 
#33497 NYY Approved 4 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Jan 23, 2020 
#33535 Ynwa 5 Roger Pontare (babu123) Jan 25, 2020 
#33547 Got Style? 5 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 25, 2020 
#33548 Out of balance 10 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 25, 2020 
#33549 Jump Jump 4 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) Jan 26, 2020 
#33556 More old-school gaming 6 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Jan 29, 2020 
#33562 Eiffel? 4 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) Jan 30, 2020 
#33569 Picking it up again 4 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) Jan 31, 2020 
#33571 Republican Senate Caucus 16 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jan 31, 2020 
#33572 Henchman sterotype 4 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Feb  1, 2020 
#33576 Locust 17 Bananas (Bananas) Feb  1, 2020 
#33581 My contribution to Star Wars Saga 8 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Feb  4, 2020 
#33589 Like Beethoven's Cello Sonato #3 12 Deborah Eater (cricketswool) Feb  2, 2020 
#33587 A stereotypical depiction of a race from the Middle... 3 sanane samanye (maceraseven) Feb  5, 2020 
#33598 spritely 14 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Feb  7, 2020 
#33606 My Best Friend 19 Sommer (Sommer) Feb  9, 2020 
#33607 Thalassophobia 20 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Feb 11, 2020 
#33634 Fun With Anagrams: Eat More Plants 17 Teresa K (fasstar) Feb 22, 2020 
#33648 Inspired by #33647 "Not much, Dobie" 13 Kristen Vognild (kristen) Feb 27, 2020 
#33651 Who's your... 11 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Feb 28, 2020 
#33659 Who's your ... 7 Mike B (mikey_b) Mar  2, 2020 
#33660 Whose your?....... 11 Kurt Kowalczyk (bahabro) Mar  2, 2020 
#33662 P. S. S. 8 Steve Smith (superhunnybear) Mar  2, 2020 
#33663 ...violets are blue. 6 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) Mar  2, 2020 
#33668 Fantasy pairing 4 8 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar  3, 2020 
#33701 Whose hair? 8 Eva (Schmeedle) Mar 10, 2020 
#33707 Saving our resources 3 7 Norma Dee (norm0908) Mar 11, 2020 
#33710 Saving our resources 5 3 Norma Dee (norm0908) Mar 13, 2020 
#33719 Trivia:By law what must Kentuckians do annually? 7 Belita (belita) Mar 15, 2020 
#33721 Trivia: What's illegal in Fla. for a single woman on Sunday? 17 Belita (belita) Mar 16, 2020 
#33722 Chiroptera 9 TLEV (tlev) Mar 16, 2020 
#33724 Maybe in our world there lives 9 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Mar 17, 2020 
#33726 Pinus 4 lala lili lolo (langedrako) Mar 17, 2020 
#33731 Less is more 8 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar 18, 2020 
#33755 S 4 Joe (infrapinklizzard) May 14, 2020 
#33756 ! 4 Joe (infrapinklizzard) May 14, 2020 
#33767 Competing for the Perfect Mate 13 Teresa K (fasstar) Mar 24, 2020 
#33780 F is for 9 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Mar 28, 2020 
#33782 See the light 11 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Mar 28, 2020 
#33784 Fun With Anagrams - STAY AT HOME 14 Teresa K (fasstar) Mar 30, 2020 
#33811 Best Eaten Straight from the Straw 5 Brash Ataom (BRASH) Mar 31, 2020 
#33852 Pointing out your mistake... 14 Mercury (pcox) Apr  6, 2020 
#33865 Tom Swifty #13 11 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Apr  8, 2020 
#33870 EGOT1 10 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Apr  9, 2020 
#33877 Oiseau 6 Michel Plourde (micplour) Apr 10, 2020 
#33887 Super lapin 3 Michel Plourde (micplour) Apr 12, 2020 
#33915 Dessin d'enfant 9 Michel Plourde (micplour) Apr 15, 2020 
#33922 Last bit 5 Joe (infrapinklizzard) Apr 16, 2020 
#33957 Personnage 6 Michel Plourde (micplour) Apr 24, 2020 
#34125 Whose Woods These Are.... 6 Brash Ataom (BRASH) May 23, 2020 
#34012 Sounds About Right 4 7 Joe (infrapinklizzard) May  6, 2020 
#34023 On the lighter side 10 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) May  8, 2020 
#34056 Sounds About Right 7 8 Joe (infrapinklizzard) May 12, 2020 
#34057 Reservations 12 Joe (infrapinklizzard) May 12, 2020 
#34076 J'aime la neige et les traîneaux 5 Michel Plourde (micplour) May 14, 2020 
#34095 Qui suis-je? 9 Michel Plourde (micplour) May 17, 2020 
#34102 Spare 6 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) May 19, 2020 
#34142 Doigts ailés ou doigts dentés? 2 Michel Plourde (micplour) May 27, 2020 
#34154 Strippers 9 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) May 28, 2020 
#34160 And they're off 9 Belita (belita) May 30, 2020 
#34165 What Do You Miss? 8 Scarlet Noelle Masen (scarletprincess) Jun  1, 2020 
#34166 Blub Blub... 5 Michel Plourde (micplour) Jun  2, 2020 
#34169 Faites attention! 4 Michel Plourde (micplour) Jun  3, 2020 
#34191 Lotus 3 Prosas (prosas) Jun  7, 2020 
#34192 Personnage célèbre 2 Michel Plourde (micplour) Jun  7, 2020 
#34193 Nintendo Classic 6 Ryan Panganiban (tsanuri) Jun  8, 2020 
#34195 À l'assaut. 3 Michel Plourde (micplour) Jun  8, 2020 
#34196 Cat 6 Prosas (prosas) Jun  8, 2020 
#34202 A way home 5 Emily Brower (Emimonster) Jun 10, 2020 
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