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Discussions of Particular Puzzles
id title comments author create date quality difficulty
#15030 Another nutty puzzle 10 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul  1, 2011 
#15039 5 items packed inside Sarah box..... 19 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul  1, 2011 
#14996 What Space Truckers Haul 8 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Nov 24, 2011 
#14902 Classic Toy. 9 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Jun 24, 2011 
#15163 And the winner is! 16 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Jul 14, 2011 
#16431 god bless america 5 christopher dayton (cdayton) Nov 18, 2011 
#14889 the ocean, for maggie 5 Georgia Johns (georgia) Jun 25, 2011 
#14949 An Odd Close-up 13 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jun 26, 2011 
#15339 cloud 3 Unavailable (MagsterJP) Jul 28, 2011 
#7353 A bit of a pun 10 Alex Klages (metalfoot) Dec  7, 2009 
#2840 Where the heart lives.... 6 C-Dog (ninja) May 23, 2008 
#15316 A fin 4 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul 27, 2011 
#15065 Sarah's mini-competition 8 Robert Shields (skweedle) Jul  3, 2011 
#9897 Infantia Gero 8 Kim Barghouti (kimebar.1) Aug  5, 2010 
#14046 Fuzzy green ball sport 3 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Jun 30, 2011 
#2855 20 Augustus Pike (ArcticNomad) May 25, 2008 
#2865 my mom 8 person harris (games1793) May 28, 2008 
#9748 4 JD 6 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Jul 25, 2010 
#2871 Ready?... 24 Helen (elena9) May 29, 2008 
#2875 A 5 stars puzzle ????? 7 Sylvain "WCPman" (qwerty) May 31, 2008 
#9840 Beautiful... If you can understand 5 Itai Palmoo (igot3) Aug  1, 2010 
#3599 nom #1 6 person harris (games1793) Sep 20, 2008 
#3603 Flag 1, 5 Teppo Karp (Tepi.1) Sep 20, 2008 
#4807 handbag 12 bexie (becinaus) Jan 22, 2009 
#4607 Ferrari 8 Itai Palmoo (igot3) Jul 30, 2010 
#15337 Pizza 1 Unavailable (MagsterJP) Jul 28, 2011 
#15205 Sarah's US contest - HINTS 2 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Jul 16, 2011 
#9935 He was here 7 Robert Shields (skweedle) Aug 10, 2010 
#15224 A place Trekkies go and so must I 14 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Jul 17, 2011 
#15403 Greek puzzle 7 14 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Aug  1, 2011 
#5000 Little Alconean #2 14 Mara Alconea (alconea) Feb 11, 2009 
#2906 don't worry be happy!!! 8 kaella young (kiko88) Jun  8, 2008 
#2907 Excusite 6 kaella young (kiko88) Aug  9, 2008 
#15412 Your mean Dad. 6 Aldege Cholette (Aldege) Aug  1, 2011 
#15430 Cash Rescued 5 Deborah Peterson (Excalibur) Aug  3, 2011 
#4105 pritty 7 Denise Poulin (dlp1) Nov 22, 2008 
#3611 Not Hard 11 susan little (naturegirl1369) Sep 23, 2008 
#15508 computer geek # 3 5 Sarah Andrews (sarah) Aug 11, 2011 
#15509 A symbol everyone around here should recognize 13 Lilly Johns (LJohns315) Aug 11, 2011 
#9892 Sacred Lithuanian nature 1 asta paka (asta-paka) Aug  5, 2010 
#7398 Nice job 6 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Dec 11, 2009 
#10013 Back in the day... 12 Robert Shields (skweedle) Aug 17, 2010 
#15795 Mr. Smiley 3 Kayla Aldridge (KMA61290) Sep 10, 2011 
#9949 Good Luck ! 4 Trish (tryingmysoul) Aug 12, 2010 
#10146 The End 11 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Aug 31, 2010 
#3419 GOOD READING 21 Yvonne Marcus (von) Sep 23, 2008 
#9956 Man's use of fire! 6 Tom O'Connell (sensei69) Aug 14, 2010 
#15626 Popper 6 Bart Henning (blazers67) Aug 22, 2011 
#5888 itchy bit.. no wait. 10 Mike Kam (ZL.oft) May 19, 2009 
#4493 ying - yung 11 shay yatim (shay3979) Feb  4, 2009 
#16057 I'm always playing... 16 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Oct 14, 2011 
#3622 Close-up #31 18 Adam Nielson (monkeyboy) Sep 23, 2008 
#10077 WCP #66 #44 Side view 5 Kai-Uwe Zickerick (conzick) Aug 24, 2010 
#7580 Dog Eat Dog 2 Chrissy Ann Silver (silvernikkles77) Jan  8, 2010 
#4589 radio - the color si for not alternative 7 shay yatim (shay3979) Feb  4, 2009 
#16008 over the rainbow 5 Bart Henning (blazers67) Oct  9, 2011 
#15768 Which Candy 1 10 Brian Bellis (mootpoint) Sep  7, 2011 
#5896 a square 6 Reneya Myshell Winfield (Jessey) May 19, 2009 
#16314 Someone is kicking me!!! 4 ik (ik) Nov  9, 2011 
#16671 Marz Challenge: Good Christmas Music 5 Skippy Miller (gmillvmill) Dec  7, 2011 
#16602 Ltr IT 6 PipPip (rtid9) Dec  4, 2011 
#5905 5 shannon rapp (sbaker707) May 20, 2009 
#16225 Strolling 3 S Woodworth (motherdearest) Oct 29, 2011 
#15807 guilty pleasure 8 Mike Kam (zl.oft) Sep 12, 2011 
#2974 x marks the spot 5 brandon lee glad (darthvader) Jun 21, 2008 
#3942 Hey there! 7 audrey behen (snails!!!) Nov  1, 2008 
#16310 Rock Wood Cut 8 Marena Sasena (sachama) May 28, 2012 
#4148 tile 3 Maria Guedez (bapebyto.1) Nov 25, 2008 
#2984 Heart 8 susan little (naturegirl1369) Jun 25, 2008 
#10152 Rebus - Foreign Swine 7 Ron Jacobson (shmily999) Aug 31, 2010 
#15546 perfectly obvious 2 Angie Heath (bewildering18) Aug 15, 2011 
#7722 diamond 4 jason marsh (jmarsh10) Feb  4, 2010 
#7637 spring 4 Hanna Graver (roodies2cool) Jan 21, 2010 
#3923 Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! 9 audrey behen (snails!!!) Oct 30, 2008 
#3924 Dreaming 8 audrey behen (snails!!!) Oct 30, 2008 
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